Totally FML. Two things happen in a row to make my day so fcking awesome. Second one most imba, my previous workpay is so pathetic despite missing trainings after trainings for it. They said attendance incentives are given according to management's discretion. Fang pi! I always fcking early for work la knnb just cause I quit after two weeks you deny me of my extra incentives. Bullshit sia. Ccb. SIGHS. Sure sucks to be me sometimes.

Sigh sigh sigh sigh. As the day approaches, I feel more and more like some fcking lost sheep. I don't know what to do where to go from here on. Applied for the CPF job and went for interview but still not very optimistic thanks to one totally fail-answer to one of their questions and my age. Like everyone there seems so fcking old and I'm like 19goingon20? I'm like such a greenhorn! >: Sigh. How now?