Monday, January 9, 2012

I still feel that my red eyes are quite creepy :S LOL. But I'm not gonna waste Jora's $$$ ): Actually once you get used to it, its pretty cool what right!! :D

I went back t read my past entries in 2009, and I.. didn't feel a tinge of sadness. Quite sad actually. I took more than a year to get over everything. But all's well ends well, look where I am now \(^~^)/ My boyfr so cute hehehehe :P And he dotes on me, and loves me so much hehehe what a lucky girl!

So all my friends and people reading this line now, life may seem like a fat bitch on crack right this moment; but always believe that everything happens for a reason, and good things fall apart so that better things can come together. Cheerups all!


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