Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sham Adam @ Salon Vim

So if you've been following me on Instagram *coughs @jolenequek_ coughs*, you would have seen my Mcfly hair. Okay granted its not five colours but still ;) 

I am a very fickle minded person who likes to try many things. From many different people, I find it very hard to stick to one hair salon, or one nail salon, etc. Honestly, I like jumping between Vim & Essensuals Bugis (EB). I like EB for their crazy good treatments, & so I couldn't commit to one salon.

But one day, on a whim (surprise surprise), I set an appointment at the new Vim outlet at Bugis to "do something to my hair". Anything. I previously swore NEVER to do anything chemical to my hair EVER AGAIN because seriously after the whole dye-rebond-bleach-perm episode, I shudder to think about how pubichair-ish my hair became :/ So that's when you saw me chopped off my long locks last year, and snipped even more after a month. 

I managed to stay true to my resolution about not doing anything to my hair UNTIL I just couldn't stand the Roots. As much as I could do a typical self consolation and think "Oh its an ombre style" but no. It's too glaring. Damnit it was soooo obviously, for a lack of a better word, ugly! In pictures I look like one of those girls who couldn't afford getting a redye after my hair grew out /shudders. I took leave the next day after I called Vim and went down for a hair makeover.

My previous Stylist at Vim was Melvin, but he was on leave that day so I got a new Senior Stylist, Sham. I don't have a picture of him but you can't miss him at Vim, he's the coolio good looking Eurasian :D Frankly, I went in that day picturing myself exiting the salon with a royal blue head LOL, but I am unsure how my office would react so I decided not to. Told Sham I wanted something different, yet I don't wanna spoil my hair :'( And he delivered! I got my crazy colours and miraculously enough, I SWEAR I AM NOT LYING, the bleached portions ARE NOT EVEN DRY AT ALL. Say no to pubic hair on my head!! :D:D:D

I can haz blond hair too :P Strategically placed blond streaks made a lot of my friends go :O 

& a quick shot before I left the salon. I just love how vibrant the colours looked! :D

A better picture taken on the day itself..

& the day after! :D Palms up to the universe, I have NEVER loved my hair sooo much before. Walk along the streets also feel the wind (is that the correct direct translation for the chinese phrase? LOL) I wanted blue streaks only but Sham said he's gonna add a few purples in so that the colours could blend better and I just said, "Do whatever you want, I totally trust you" :D Did the cocktail treatment after and :') Hello gorgeous hair!

So the colours have obviously faded quite a bit now, mostly the ends, but you can still differentiate there is browns, blues and greens. Wait a minute, green?! HAHHAHAHHAHA, but I am still loving my hair! I love how well placed they are that whichever parting I wish to have, you are bound to see them colours :D

Ask anyone I am close to, they most definitely have heard me going on and on about how the next time I go Vim I am gonna get my head in hues of silver and blues and purples :D I really can't wait to go again!!! :D:D:D

oh and don't look for Sham, because I don't want you girls to overbook him until I can't get an appointment too! :P

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Vanity Trove SG


Yayy! Finally got my paws down to edit this video :D

When C approached me and asked if I could share with my readers (or whoever are still here after my very long hiatus) about Vanity Trove, I was like why not?! I heard tons of good stuff about them and how for just a mere SGD$25.00 a month, you get a box of goodies sent to you :D After the first box arrived, I was so pleasantly surprised by how value for money it is since I get products from Khiel's and Phytomer, etc every month. & so began the anticipation every month for that pink box of awesomeness to arrive! ;)

You must be thinking, you must be crazy, why would I want to pay an additional amount of $25 every month to get miniature products right? Take it this way. Imagine you are a beauty junkie. You loveee experimenting with the up and coming beauty products in the market but don't forget, not all products, as much as they are highly raved, suits every skin type. It may be the holy grail for some, but for others (maybe you) it may just be something that costs a lot but does minimal. Not that the product isn't good, it just doesn't suit your skin. So can you imagine the amount of money you waste, if you spend good money on the full sized product, only for it to break you out? You won't ever use it again. Granted you won't always get what you want in every month's Trove, but hey that's part of the surprise ;)

So based on my experiences with the Troves I have received so far, I would say the concept behind it is superb! I get to try products which are expensive and I'd probably never intend to purchase lest I waste my money as mentioned above; I also get mind blown when products that are super cheap and I thought would never work because a) they are cheap b) and so they probably won't work because we can't have our cake and eat it. :D

Products not featured in the video but mentioned:
Belif's The True Cream Aqua Bomb
Khiel's Powerful Strength Line Reducing Concentrate

Hope I didn't miss anything out :D

*PS - I apologise for the crazy annoying crackling sound in the background. Evidently one should never place the fan too near whilst filming. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Just, never good enough for anything/one/where/how. I should just fck off and die.