Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sham Adam @ Salon Vim

So if you've been following me on Instagram *coughs @jolenequek_ coughs*, you would have seen my Mcfly hair. Okay granted its not five colours but still ;) 

I am a very fickle minded person who likes to try many things. From many different people, I find it very hard to stick to one hair salon, or one nail salon, etc. Honestly, I like jumping between Vim & Essensuals Bugis (EB). I like EB for their crazy good treatments, & so I couldn't commit to one salon.

But one day, on a whim (surprise surprise), I set an appointment at the new Vim outlet at Bugis to "do something to my hair". Anything. I previously swore NEVER to do anything chemical to my hair EVER AGAIN because seriously after the whole dye-rebond-bleach-perm episode, I shudder to think about how pubichair-ish my hair became :/ So that's when you saw me chopped off my long locks last year, and snipped even more after a month. 

I managed to stay true to my resolution about not doing anything to my hair UNTIL I just couldn't stand the Roots. As much as I could do a typical self consolation and think "Oh its an ombre style" but no. It's too glaring. Damnit it was soooo obviously, for a lack of a better word, ugly! In pictures I look like one of those girls who couldn't afford getting a redye after my hair grew out /shudders. I took leave the next day after I called Vim and went down for a hair makeover.

My previous Stylist at Vim was Melvin, but he was on leave that day so I got a new Senior Stylist, Sham. I don't have a picture of him but you can't miss him at Vim, he's the coolio good looking Eurasian :D Frankly, I went in that day picturing myself exiting the salon with a royal blue head LOL, but I am unsure how my office would react so I decided not to. Told Sham I wanted something different, yet I don't wanna spoil my hair :'( And he delivered! I got my crazy colours and miraculously enough, I SWEAR I AM NOT LYING, the bleached portions ARE NOT EVEN DRY AT ALL. Say no to pubic hair on my head!! :D:D:D

I can haz blond hair too :P Strategically placed blond streaks made a lot of my friends go :O 

& a quick shot before I left the salon. I just love how vibrant the colours looked! :D

A better picture taken on the day itself..

& the day after! :D Palms up to the universe, I have NEVER loved my hair sooo much before. Walk along the streets also feel the wind (is that the correct direct translation for the chinese phrase? LOL) I wanted blue streaks only but Sham said he's gonna add a few purples in so that the colours could blend better and I just said, "Do whatever you want, I totally trust you" :D Did the cocktail treatment after and :') Hello gorgeous hair!

So the colours have obviously faded quite a bit now, mostly the ends, but you can still differentiate there is browns, blues and greens. Wait a minute, green?! HAHHAHAHHAHA, but I am still loving my hair! I love how well placed they are that whichever parting I wish to have, you are bound to see them colours :D

Ask anyone I am close to, they most definitely have heard me going on and on about how the next time I go Vim I am gonna get my head in hues of silver and blues and purples :D I really can't wait to go again!!! :D:D:D

oh and don't look for Sham, because I don't want you girls to overbook him until I can't get an appointment too! :P

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