Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Spicy Faceoff


Looking at the banner above, I am not giving any brownie points to anyone for guessing what I am going to introduce to you today :P I mean its obvious that slender yellow M sign :D Everybody's favourite fast food joint, McDees!!!!!!!! 

The Spicy Face off. Face off between what, you ask. Fret not I am going to let you in on McDee's laaaaatest burger! If you are a fan of spicy food, definitely keep reading!

(slight disclaimer/apology here, pictures in this post are not as good because my dead G12 wasn't with me so I had to make do with my iP5 :()

Greeted by these upcoming releases too whilst waiting for the other social media personalities. Ultra yums! New shaker fries, citrus thai, think TOM YAM fries! & my favourite of that day, the Lychee Soda :D:D:D:D Madddd love!!

I am not going to be an asshole and make you guys read a whole lot of other stuff, I am going to cut to the chase and introduce their latest spicy contender!! 


I am literally salivating while typing the name of the new burger. Think peppery juicy whole chicken thigh deep fried, nestled between a special bun together with juicy red tomatoes and crisp lettuce, smothered in mayonnaise. 

Telling you that I am a huge fan of spicy food would be the understatement of the century. I FREAKING LOVE SPICY FOOD. EVERYTHING I EAT HAS TO BE SPICY, if its not spicy I can't be bothered to even touch it. As EVERY SINGAPOREAN knows, so far the only spicy burger in McDee's menu is the McSpicy. Which is already damn effing spicy. Its so weird. I can eat all the spicy food in BKK but it doesn't have any effect on my digestive and bowel system. Eat one Mcspicy, tomorrow you will see me in the toilet first thing in the morning, fo shizzle ma nizzle.

BUT I LIKE. Spicy then shiok~

ROFLMAO, I am SOOOOOOO SORRY this picture really doesn't do the burger any justice but I have only a pair of hands and one measly iP5 camera. This is the best my humble iP5 can do :( Paiseh.


Firstly, I got to tell you. Spicy-wise, McSpicy is still HANDS DOWN definitely more spicy. But taste-wise, OH MY MAMA THIS ONE IS 

Its like Tandoori chicken. And its super juicy. And the spiciness is on a totally different level with McSpicy. McSpicy is like one thousand chilli padis mashed together witht the chicken and send it to the frying machine. But this is like SO GODDAMN YUMMY. The pepper taste builds up in your mouth with every bite you take, in short, I feel it gets spicier as you eat it but it is the peppery kind of spicy. SO GOOD.

Wah serious, so good. In the words of those present that day, its the burger with a comfortable sort of spiciness. YOU HAZ GOTS TO TRY IT BRUH.


I am really sorry for this half fucked entry but I can't bear to upload anymore pictures that I have because its all crap. But you have to trust me on this. 

TRY THE FIERY CRACKER BLACK PEPPER FLAMER!!! They will be releasing it tomorrow (18 April 2013) so do go down to McDee's tomorrow okkkk!!!! Can check out their FB for more details! 

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