Tuesday, January 28, 2014


..burns half as long.


It takes an immense amount of work to make it. We go through it, day by day, thinking that nothing has changed; but everything has changed.  

I know it when I see it, and when I do, I feel the pain.

&that's all I can do.. feel it

Monday, January 13, 2014


"The head of a company survived 9/11 because
 his son started kindergarten.

Another fellow was alive because it was
 his turn to bring donuts.

One woman was late because her
 alarm clock didn’t go off in time.

One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike
, because of an auto accident.

One of them, missed his bus.

One spilled food on her clothes and had to take
 time to change.

 car wouldn’t start.

One couldn’t
 get a taxi.

The one that struck me was the man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning,
 took the various means to get to work but before he got there, he developed a blister on his foot.
 He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid. 
That is why he is alive today..

Now when I am
 stuck in traffic, miss an elevator,
 turn back to answer a ringing telephone…

All the little things that annoy me;

I think to myself,

This is exactly where 
I’m meant to be
 at this very moment."

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


..to be this jaded.


Never say "never".

I keep telling myself, and everyone around me when they tell me not to give up on Love, that Love is the last thing on my agenda for a long time.

I say it as though Love is so predictable. I say it as though it's so easy to just turn my back on emotions.

Silly me. 

Pardon me la, just that something happened over the holidays that's just so ironic and a slap across my face that I can't stop thinking about it.

It's like the Universe telling me, "so you think you can control it all? Here's a middle finger."

So yes, never say never.