Monday, September 13, 2010

Fashion: My 2 cents

Took a day off work today because I was just too tired from all the late nights doing nothing constructive. And besides, I brought work home so I thought 'why not just stay home and do them?'

Before I start, I must bring up the events of last Saturday. Was at Far East with the boy. Just got my pay, and recently I just couldn't decide what to wear. My wardrobe's sort of bursting; yet that still happened. I hate it! So I thought maybe I could use a little shopping.

But what the heck! I walked the whole shopping centre and I still couldn't find one piece of fabric, ANY TYPE AT ALL, that could render me speechless. Back in the days, I could find countless outfits but no money to fund them; now I can't find anything at all.

After that two rounds of aimlessly weaving in and out of stores performing touch and go-s, we left the shopping centre. I told the boy, "damnnn, I forgot how to shop."

This moment, I have been dreading the coming of this moment. And I think this happens to most Singaporean girls. Settling into the comfort of comformity. Cause looking back at that 'shopping trip', I did chanced upon a few articles that I would have bought without blinking last time, but now I just let it go. Its as though I'd rather buy something that everyone's wearing now over something that I like/more 'me'.

Its so sad. I feel sad.

What happened to me? I'm morphing into one of those street cats. All looking like the other. And lazy at that.


Which brings me back to how I'm browsing and instead of doing my work. :x

I shall be hardworking and not lazy from now onwards. I wanna feel confident again! >:(

Time to:

  1. Not eat so much; office job has made me chubbier! :(:(:(
  2. Invest in a fitted blazer; Zara, Topshop, anywhere else?
  3. Invest in shoes; how can I not realise this earlier, no more "slippers with anything"
  • Black wedges
  • Nude pump

Ehh, I'll add in more when I think of them :x


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