Saturday, October 9, 2010

"Most of the time, its just too difficult, or too expensive, or too scary. Its only once you've stopped that you realise how hard it is to start again. So you force yourself not to want it. But its always there. And until you finish it, it'll always be..." - HIMYM, S06E03.

I still don't know what exactly 'we' are, but I know for sure now that what 'we' have, is real. (: Its gonna be an awesome journey. <3

Besides that, I think my life has reached stagnancy. Is that even a word? Like every single day, routine work. Crazy amount of workload. But super nice colleagues who dote on me :D But wahhhh, I totally don't envision myself slogging my whole life away there. :( I want something new, something refreshing, something more to what I like! But life's never fair isn't it? You can't have everything you like. Booooooo.

Sorry Alvin I blogged very little, its 2:07am and this is a shoutout to youuu! :D Brain barely functioning already.


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