When you get older, you start to pay attention to skincare > makeup. Ok, let me rephrase that. I meant, you tend to realise that you're not getting younger and that no matter how much make up you pile on, if your complexion is shit, you still look like shit and no amount of make up is ever gonna save that.
I was deciding whether to blog anot, and what to blog about. My life is seemingly boring these days its all about work work work boyfriend bestfriend work work and back to more work. /yawns. And so I thought I'd just share with.. whoever else is still reading this space of mine. I know my tumblr has some unexpected readers, I wonder who reads here o.O
So on to the main topic, I shall go according to how I'd do whatever when I'm back home from whatever LOL (*whatever is work/date/yep, whatever).
1. Make up removal

I loveeeeee this shit. I knew it before I knew
www.zoeraymond.com, the blog. As in not she knew the product but more of, I knew of her blog existance. So fuck off if you think I'm trying to use her blog contents.
Anyways, I for one is a sucker for the "clean clean squeeeky clean" feel. So I hate oil based products. Which is bad cause most makeup remover out there are oil based. Which also explains why before this I remove makeup by washing my face thats all. Or I don't remove them at all since I'm so lazy. Which constitudes my badass complexion. (Y)
water-based Cleansing Express not only removes make up, but its like a one stop 'washface+moisturiser+toner" all in one thingmajiggy. Perfect for a lazy person like me. Or any drunk girl after clubbing ^^ LOL.
2. Cure natural Aqua gel
When I bought this at Watsons, along with all the advertisements, somewhere it says "facial in a bottle". At 42 dollars for a bottle, I daresay its pretty expensive. But I thought I could try something new plus if it works, it costs cheaper than
SKII which is close to 200 for a bottle :O The price women pay for beauty TSKK.
Anyways, once I tried it, I swear, after this bottle finishes Imma buy a new one. But I think I still have probably 3 months to that. And I bought it probably 3 months ago? There's still quite a lot in there. Good investment hur? Every application only requires one pump for the whole face. And you rub it all over, producing white fibre thingy. Apparently those are the dead skin cells. (Y) hehehe. Whats not to love about a product that yields visible results ^^
3. Kose Mask White
I think this product needs no explanation. Alot of girls use this and swear by its whitening capabilities. Ironic thing is the mask is black, and it has whitening properties. So cute.
And I like this product because after you apply it, it dries and you peel it off in one piece. And as you peel off, all the stuff in your clogged pores comes along with it. Like those pore strips, you can see them sticking out. Hehe. Good uh!
4. Love More Acne All Out
Xiaxue wrote an advertorial/review on this product. Its pretty good. Works the same way as Mask White. In a sense you apply and peel it off. But one thing I wanna rave about? The Sebum Softener aka Step One. OMG. When I first used it, I was so amazed. You're supposed to apply it all over your clean skin and massage for one minute and wash it off. After you wash it off, your face just feels so smooth and soft!! Machiam do facial for 2 hours kinda feeling! All for 19.90!! :D:D:D
5. Follow me O2 bubble mask 
Sad to say, I'm not a huge fan of this product. I bought it during the bubble mask craze. It was all over the net, how Nu Ren Wo Zui Da was talking about it. But the real deal, I don't know what brand, was
freakinggg expensive! It was sold at Sasa so you can check out the price there I think 100plus? Crazy expensive. So this was retailing at 20plus, so I thought I could try some bubbles on my face.
After applying it, it takes damn long for all the bubbles to disappear. Damn annoying since the instructions were to wash off only after all the bubbles have appeared and disappear. In a typical singaporean girl's life, I highly doubt we have so much time to sit around waiting for foam to slowwwwly subside. Easily takes half an hour to finish foaming up. And after that, its an absolute BITCH to wash off!! So I only use this like once a month or so when I feel like it. Since its too time consuming and too difficult to wash off imho.
6. Hada Labo super Hyaluronic Acid hydrating lotion

Love love love this! I was looking for a toner at (yes again) Watsons and saw the advertisement.
One drop locks up an ocean REALLY? Awesome. Yet another awesome awesome AWESOME product you can find in Watsons.
Its really good cause it really moisturises your skin. But the trick to this is you gotta pat it in. I realise it works better when you pat it in as compared to putting in on a cotton pad and wiping it on. During those days when I was really dilligent, after using this for a week or two (with
No. 2 &
No. 8) My complexion was ahmayzing! :D
7. Hada Labo super hyaluronic acid Moist Essence EX
Since the lotion was so effective, I decided to up the skincare routine and got the concentrated version (I think) of the lotion. I got the serum thingy. I've only been using it for a week so I'm still undecided about it. Will update yall (whoever is reading this) if its good and worth the buy ^^
8. Etude House Sleeping Pack
This sleeping mask is
damnnnnn good! As mentioned above, using it with other products listed above dilligently really made my complexion super soft and clear! And the good thing is this is pretty cheap! Like 12.90 if I didn't get it wrong for such a huge pack! (: Save your money, rather than getting those 3 for 10 mask from Faceshop, get this! :D
And so I've come to the end of this post. My proper post in a long while hur! So sleepy now (Y) Work tomorrow, guess I'm gonna hit the sack now^^ Hope I recommended some good buys to yall! :D