Thursday, September 22, 2011

Earlier this week, I was having some sort of quarter life crisis. Feeling all frustrated with how my life is turning out and feeling like while everyone is on their way to their dream lives and here I am, still trying to figure out.

Like Annie in Bridesmaid, her life just came spiraling down; business failure, relationship stagnancy, it didn't help that her BFF was getting engaged and someone else was vying for her BFF's attention.

It's evident in the movie that everyday she wonders why isn't anything going right. But soon Megan comes in, and tells her to stop moping around and "be your own solution".

That scene, is an inspiration.

Many a times in my life I wonder and think, in so many ways my life could be better. While everyone is on further studies which is sponsored by their parents, I got to be out working. While everyone gets their stuff so easily because their parents can afford it, I got to slog it out for a few weeks just to get the same damn thing. While people seem to just get what they want so fucking easily, I just can't seem to get one damn thing right.

But then I realised.

Rather than spend the whole time wallowing in self pity, I can be my own solution.

I whine about further studies, but am I doing something about it? Nope.

I whine about having to slog. But without slogging, will I appreciate what I already have?

I constantly feel like I'm eating so much and it affects my waistline, but am I doing anything? Once again nope. I eat without caring, so who am I to blame?

Seriously, it's high time that I stop all these negative thoughts and whining because I could do much more constructive stuff as long as I start to take charge.

Come on everyone, gambatte together! :D Have a good Friday!

PS: HAPPY 22nd BFF @shufat (:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

WTF is she like so fucking angsty about? LOL >:o

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

If you ever ran out of movies to watch, even if you've watched it before, try this

I cried so hard at the end, as always. Even 200 pounds beauty didn't get me that hard for the Daddy scene :'(

Just in case some of you haven't watched this show before, its about a grandson who's raised in the urban city, living with his grandmother in the rural area for a period of time. Initially he was disrespectful, ignorant and absolutely detestable! But soon his grandmother, who's mute, manages to warm his heart. :'( \

So so so saddddd!!!

I love this show so much because I have a soft spot for the elderlys. I miss my ah ma too :'(

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lately I've been trying to pull off the centre parting look. My fringe grew to that awkward length whereby I can't put them to the side as they were too short for that yet too long to remain as bangs. Having mixed response to my centre parting, but I'm cool 8)

As mentioned on my Facebook, I went for my hair treatment at Mine's Salon recently. Do visit them if you are looking for cheap and good hair services! My stylist is Jerry ^^

Mine's Salon
14 Scotts Road
Far East Plaza

On another random note, out with BFF last Friday :D hehe camwhoring with the iPad at Ion toilet :P

Ok, promise I'll post something substantial :P

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hehe :$

Makeup 101 YOUR HEAD :P from Jolene Quek on Vimeo.

Out of sheer boredom, I made some makeup routine shit I do on most days before work, pat-tor and stuff. Hehe, only watch if you're bored. I didn't talk throughout cause I shy :$ HAAHAHAHHAA! Those super pro with makeup please spare me your ridicule :/

Final look?

Close up. I know my camera sucks la hor, unless you wanna sponsor me one for my 21st if not stfu.

Webcam picture right before I wenta change hehe :P

Voila! Natural lighting! :D

I know makeup supposed to cover up my imperfections but seeing the condition of my forehead, I didn't wanna pile up too much chemicals lest it becomes worse. Sooooo, :D

Ok, talk to yall soon MUACKS :D <3

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Got to fucking stop procrastinating. And get my fucking life together.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Quite depressing to know that while others breeze through their lives, I find obstacles EVERYFUCKINGWHERE.

I'm not asking for much, I'm not saying I want everything to be served on a silver platter to me. But at least, let me fucking accomplish something can? Especially when I tried so hard and want it so fucking badly!
