Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hehe :$

Makeup 101 YOUR HEAD :P from Jolene Quek on Vimeo.

Out of sheer boredom, I made some makeup routine shit I do on most days before work, pat-tor and stuff. Hehe, only watch if you're bored. I didn't talk throughout cause I shy :$ HAAHAHAHHAA! Those super pro with makeup please spare me your ridicule :/

Final look?

Close up. I know my camera sucks la hor, unless you wanna sponsor me one for my 21st if not stfu.

Webcam picture right before I wenta change hehe :P

Voila! Natural lighting! :D

I know makeup supposed to cover up my imperfections but seeing the condition of my forehead, I didn't wanna pile up too much chemicals lest it becomes worse. Sooooo, :D

Ok, talk to yall soon MUACKS :D <3

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