Thursday, September 22, 2011

Earlier this week, I was having some sort of quarter life crisis. Feeling all frustrated with how my life is turning out and feeling like while everyone is on their way to their dream lives and here I am, still trying to figure out.

Like Annie in Bridesmaid, her life just came spiraling down; business failure, relationship stagnancy, it didn't help that her BFF was getting engaged and someone else was vying for her BFF's attention.

It's evident in the movie that everyday she wonders why isn't anything going right. But soon Megan comes in, and tells her to stop moping around and "be your own solution".

That scene, is an inspiration.

Many a times in my life I wonder and think, in so many ways my life could be better. While everyone is on further studies which is sponsored by their parents, I got to be out working. While everyone gets their stuff so easily because their parents can afford it, I got to slog it out for a few weeks just to get the same damn thing. While people seem to just get what they want so fucking easily, I just can't seem to get one damn thing right.

But then I realised.

Rather than spend the whole time wallowing in self pity, I can be my own solution.

I whine about further studies, but am I doing something about it? Nope.

I whine about having to slog. But without slogging, will I appreciate what I already have?

I constantly feel like I'm eating so much and it affects my waistline, but am I doing anything? Once again nope. I eat without caring, so who am I to blame?

Seriously, it's high time that I stop all these negative thoughts and whining because I could do much more constructive stuff as long as I start to take charge.

Come on everyone, gambatte together! :D Have a good Friday!

PS: HAPPY 22nd BFF @shufat (:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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