Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 2012 so far

And so March 2012 saw me as an unemployed woman for 2 days and the start of a new job the following week on.

Dinner at Alfresco Gusto with le BFF after facial ^o^
Did the Needle Roller Treatment at Beauti Instinct that day. Holy macaroni, the effects very good right? I only had sunblock on believe it or not :D

(PS: I don't photoshop my photos, I'm too fucking lazy to do so. So please, don't anyhow say I did something to it.)

The food looks damn yums right? Thats because it is!

Quite pricey but I felt it was money worth spent. Just look at the ingredients used and the ambience of the bistro! Did I mention they have a smoking corner? #somuchwin

Went to get my hair dyed after. Usually I go to Mine's Salon at FEP but they were full so I, being the impulsive person I am, just gots to get it dyed on that day like my life depended on it. So I got to Klearcut, which is also at FEP! So far so good :D

 2 March had me running back to Amoy for the last time, to get my final dose of ipoh hor fun :'( So gooood :( Dragged the boyfr along too :P

DTF for dins! :D:D:D

 Under my fervent recommendation, Cara went to Deon's for her tattoo touch up :O So chio right? /jawdrops

 One word. Overrated. Modesto's overrated.

 Happy Birthday you <3

 JAYFUCKINGBEE with @chubsball ^^

 Kitty specs from KSL City! Only S$7! DAFUQ?

 And this ^, is some imba bkt. Ever since I came back from that day trip, people tell me Jaybee I ask them "BKT?:O" And we had all those for S$14 for two! :O Crazy cheap or what!

@chubsball, @shufat, @jolenequek, @chiajeremy


Abrupt end here again, cause I'm not that good with goodbyes. Till the next post, X.

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