Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Recently I have been lusting after the iPhone. Like pure lust. Want. Got to have it.

As everyone knows I already have the iPad 2 (of value has since plummet) and the Blackberry 9900. I have always been a die hard fan of BB. And when the time came for me to recontract after my BB9700, BB9900 was a unanimous choice for me.

Furthermore, somewhere between 9700 and 9900, iPad2 came out and I was enticed by the HUGE screen thats just orgasmic to web browse with. Not to mention the apps. That I would say Apple definitely wins hands down.

But after 6 months of lugging iPad2 around, I find it quite the hassle. Its many pros, albeit undeniably convenient and entertaining, was just not justifiable for me anymore.

Imagine lugging/cramming an iPad2 (which weighs slighty over a kg), a Kindle, my G12 and my incredibly heavy and bulky wallet into my BalenCity..

I can totally imagine seeing myself walking into a slanted manner!

If you're wondering why I need a Kindle when I already have an iPad2, thats because iBooks doesn't really work in SG. So technically speaking, I can't really read books on my iPad2. I mean sure you can if all the books you want to read are Pride & Prejudice or The Tempest. But if you're talking about Haruki Murakami or Suzanne Collins, then I apologise for bursting your bubble. (If I'm not wrong, iBooks works just like iTunes. So the same reason why we can't purchase songs via iTunes is the exact reason why I can't purchase books via iBooks.)

Furthermore, iPad2's camera (for the lack of a better word) sucks. I can't understand why the timeline between iPhone4 and iPad2 is so close yet they can't just incorporate the iSight camera into iPad2. Even from the backview camera, the pictures are grainy and.. VGA-ish.

Weird isn't it? I was singing praises of the iPad2 just a few paragraphs up and now it seems like iPad2 deserves to be thrown away.

But anyways, what I'm trying to state is I do not regret holding on to my BB. Because despite it having less apps, smaller screen for web browsing, BB is a wonderful phone. Namely BBM and its QWERTY keypad. The Twitter & Facebook apps function good enough for me.

IN CONCLUSION, I feel that if there was a phone that has everything a BB and iPhone has (good things of course), like an iBerry or Blackphone(!!!), I'd get it without a doubt. But if there isn't, your best bet is an iPhone AND a BB. AND NOT, an iPad and a BB.

I should have gotten an iPhone and not an iPad 6 months ago :'(

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