Friday, February 21, 2014


So I accidentally unlocked a major achievement today. But I can take it as a preparation for what's to come in March 2014. It turned out pretty good actually. So much so I wish I had one more such night tonight, but no. M O D E R A T I O N. 

I haven't really had much time to blog this year. I'd like to think of it as a good thing? Because most often, I blog when my life isn't going too well? So I'll seek an avenue to self regulate, and that's probably the main purpose of this blog. 

A quick update on what has happened thus far; Laneway 2014, doing pretty well at work,  meeting many like-minded souls at N and ultimately feel comfortable enough with them to be friends, Empire of the Sun... I can't really remember much already... HAHA. But yeah, basically my life revolves around my job and music gigs/fest and myself

Sometimes it scares me how okay I am with being alone. How lately I choose to be alone over being with anyone, even my good friends.. to the extent D whatsapped me, "you can't do this yknow.."

Please know that I haven't forgotten about y'all, I just.. want to live my life with no obligations towards anyone else other than myself. It's not that I don't care, or I wanna distance myself away from everyone.. If I'm there, I will be there 100% for y'all. I will always be here. Never left. If you need me, I will be there. All you have to do, is tell me. Otherwise, I just want to be alone half the time. I don't even know if I make any sense, if you get it then good for you.

Okay, going to go slouch around on soft white sheets x.

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