Friday, April 18, 2014


and without.
Enchanted, and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of Life.


Its been so long since I last blogged. Really want to revamp this site, but laziness always gets the better of me. I was uploading my pictures onto the MBA, thought I'd blog as well, but out of 1600 odd photos, I don't know what to blog about. Probably the most interesting event would be my #quektravelssolo to +66 last month.

So here goes!

Brought my luggage to work on that Thursday since my flight was on Friday morning. Honestly, that "OMG I'm actually travelling alone" hasn't hit me yet. Went to find SH at the hospital before going off to meet M and B for some over night meeting with Dear R.

Next morning 9am, on the cab to the airport, the feeling started to seep in. 

"Here on till Monday, I'm really on my own, no shit!"

When I was all checked in and ready to board the plane, I was really freaking out. I called SH and was all, "OMG SHU WTF AM I DOING? WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENS THERE?! OMG SHU WHAT IF I'M NOT READY!?" 

but you know what? in hindsight, all those thoughts were redundant.

Up, up in the air; all my concerns about travelling alone vanished together with +65.

Finally got to my hotel at 4pm BKK time, showered and changed and off I went for my first adventure (to Siam area).

Actually, I was planning to go for FMFA. But silly me, didn't check my dates properly and ended up booking for +66 on the exact same weekend as FMFA so that was a no-go. It would have been so fun with A and K :( 

First day in +66 kind of OOTD.

Went back to the hotel by 10pm because that was the rule (sort of) set by my BFF. 

Woke up to this; it was a very refreshing experience waking up alone to such a sight. 

Petchburi soi 19 wanton mee!

Next up, Talad Jatujak for some intensive shopping and coconut ice cream! I was really looking forward to the cream puff, but I couldn't find it :(

Really best coconut ice cream I've ever had. 

Address as above.

Travelled to Phahon Yothin for more shopping at Union Mall, and then to Central Plaza just opposite the road for Japanese!

Impressive Sake Sashimi hur! :D

Dinner on that night. 

I wanted to head to Asiatique, but was cautioned by this friendly Thai-Chinese couple whom I befriended 4 trips ago, that it's really far and I probably shouldn't go since I'm alone.

Last full day in +66, headed to Thonglor soi 13 for Roast! 

Since the previous trip, I always try to make it a point to visit Roast for their awesome Tomato soup and fantastic coffee.

I love travelling alone, but the biggest bummer is not having another stomach to help finish food.

After brunch, headed down to Siam again because I had a dinner appointment in the evening. 

Favourite snack in +66, snow stix and Strawberry Lemonade :D 

Purchases of the day.

Very reluctant me on the last day. Urgh, really dragging my ass off the bed.

Last meal in +66 :(

If you ever have that opportunity, take the risk, travel alone. You will really embrace the freedom that comes along with it. You are free to experience the city at your pace, whatever you like, whenever you want. It's an addiction.

Back to +65, just nice for mommy's home cooked :)


I look through those photos, and I feel like there's nothing much to share anymore. Why would anyone even be interested to read about the mundane happenings in my life. I don't feel like sharing about my life anymore too, I don't know.. maybe its just a phase. 

I have another 3 trips, planned and booked for this year. Indeed a really YOLO year for me. 

What else is there to say? 

Nothing. I'm afraid there's nothing left to say.

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