Saturday, January 30, 2010

Doubt I'll be posting any pictures of myself anytime soon. Lately I don't know why but I've been feeling so fugly. :<

I can't believe I am at this stage right now. This overwhelming feeling that just won't go away. It was so hard to finally get over someone and now it starts all over again. Just a whole new person thats all. Fuck it. Seriously I don't wanna go back to the same shithole but I'm like quarter way there already. AHHH OMG. :<
I feel so insecure, so miserable, so upset, so demoralised, so fcking ugly. And the best part of it all? I can't do shit about it.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Everything seems better in 2010(: Yesterday was weirdly enjoyable with the company of the RafflesCity gang. We didn't do much but all the conversations were epic-ly funny! Supposed to catch Daybreakers but couldn't because Reeta and I had to leave early): Shitzxzx am I like not fated to watch it or something? Thursday was lack of seats, yesterday was because of the timing. IDFC, I HAVE TO WATCH IT!):

Now I'm left with 2 weeks of polytechnic life. Hmmm, such a bittersweet affair. One moment you can't wait for it to come because FINALLY you can have a break from the insane assignments but then again, once you're out its like, full of uncertainty for the future. Gahh. So where do I go from there? Hahaha. Nevertheless, I'm still gonna try for my NTU(: and hopefully in between all that, I'll find my way :D Here's wishing everyone AN AWESOME SUNDAY <3

Friday, January 15, 2010

Life's good, so good that I haven't been updating in forever. :D 2010 sure kept to its promise of being awesome. HAHA. Graduating in 3 weeks time, its scary! But I can't wait to see what I would go on to accomplish. AHHH.

And so, we finally secured a Gold in NTU 3v3. May be a minor competition but it shows us we do have what it takes :D Go go GO Team Devlin! :D SPCPOC, we will be able to show everyone else!! :D

I'm happier. :D So busy with chionging all the assignments and whatnots to think about other things. And once I graduate, I'm gonna work hard towards what I want to do next time. Crossesfingers I'll make it. :D
Ok, not much to update. Gotta go get ready forrr, IDK WHAT HAHAHA! OK bai.

Monday, January 4, 2010

There's something in the air in the wee hours of the morning that makes me feel, sad. You know how sometimes the one thing that you should turn your back on is the same thing that you always look back at? I can't understand why I would want to keep looking back at things that would only hurt me. Its cold and unrealistic. And I can't stop sighing. Tell me how to be happy again. Take the exhaustion from my face, the sadness in my eyes. Take it all away. If need be, take those memories from my mind. Its like a computer getting a virus, everything thats left in fragments and you can't quite make out the whole picture. This is a mistake. I should be starting the new year on a clean slate. Why does it feel like 2009 again? Why do I feel like the exact same girl who's wanting to cry into her pillow and punch the walls?

-closeeyes&deepbreathes. Ok I'm off to bed. -mumbles. Tomorrow's going to be good.