Friday, January 15, 2010

Life's good, so good that I haven't been updating in forever. :D 2010 sure kept to its promise of being awesome. HAHA. Graduating in 3 weeks time, its scary! But I can't wait to see what I would go on to accomplish. AHHH.

And so, we finally secured a Gold in NTU 3v3. May be a minor competition but it shows us we do have what it takes :D Go go GO Team Devlin! :D SPCPOC, we will be able to show everyone else!! :D

I'm happier. :D So busy with chionging all the assignments and whatnots to think about other things. And once I graduate, I'm gonna work hard towards what I want to do next time. Crossesfingers I'll make it. :D
Ok, not much to update. Gotta go get ready forrr, IDK WHAT HAHAHA! OK bai.

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