Sunday, February 14, 2010

Just talked to Matthew BFF, I feel so damn happy for him :D All's well ends well. Got me thinking about myself too. Sometimes I think I am like, really weird. I like people, who are not that into me. Yet I am oblivious to people who like me. Or so I think they do. But you get my drift, no? And what makes me a tad weirder than most people is that, when I find out the person that I like, likes me too? I back away. For what reasons, I HAVE NO FCKING IDEA. Its not that I am playing some stupid mind games. I guess, maybe I am just afraid? I don't know. Tell me who I am, cause I myself don't know who I am. I don't know what I want. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. Maybe I have no balls, maybe I am a retard, maybe maybe maybes. I hate and know that its mean to cut off contact with someone whom I THINK likes me, but thats just what I do. Time and time again. ): -sigh. There's something wrong with me, ain't it?

Ahhhh. Now come to think of it, I sure am some weirdo. Got things to 烦, will 烦 about those things. Nothing to 烦, I will 烦 about why is it I so sad life, to the extent that I have nothing to 烦 about.
Tell me, not called 自找麻烦, call what? ):

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