Saturday, February 27, 2010

Having 'The Only Exception' by Paramore on repeat. Its making me feel so fucking emotional right now. So fucking insecure, a million thoughts buzzing around in my head, fucking me upside down.

I wish I..
  • had skinnier arms
  • had skinnier legs
  • was taller
  • didn't have fucked up complexion
  • wasn't so fucking tanned to the extent it looks black
  • had slimmer fingers
  • had slimmer feet
  • had bigger eyes
  • nicer hair
  • had abs
  • was rich
  • could do whatever I want without anyone judging me, stopping me
  • could tell you everything but I don't dare to and its fucking killing me

"Well, maybe I know somewhere
Deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone
Or keep a straight face

And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable distance
And up till now, I had sworn to myself
That I'm content with loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk

I've got a tight grip on reality
But I can't let go of what's in front of me here
I know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up
Leave me some kind of proof its not a dream

Well, you are the only exception.
And I'm on my way to believing. "

Makes me just wanna scream and cry at the same time.

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