Friday, February 19, 2010

Shitttt, really still got nothing much to update! ): Sheesh, my life that boring nots? Today was supposed to be all fun and stuff with AmandaMAK, FleaFlyFloFun and PercyJackson BUT SHE LAST MINUTE CANNOT MAKE ITTT! MAJOR SADZXZX OHGHEYS): LOGAN LERMAN MUST WAIT FOR MEEE! :B

Meet my B&J friend, AmandaWANG :D Teehee, all Amandas I know such nice people oneezxzx! :D The whole duration of work yesterday was peppered with gossips and laughters. :D Awesome! Plus MattBFF finally came to look for me during work BUT, sadly he lost his wallet in the whole process. Well I hope everything's fine now for him BUT THEN AGAIN SOMEONE GOT T ALREADY HORZXZX? :D GOT T OTHER STUFF ARE PEANUTS ALREADY :D Hehheh. So now how? My next week is INCREDIBLY EMPTY AND BORING AND GAHHH. Anyone with any bright ideas? ):

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