Sunday, March 21, 2010

Omg, my life truly sucks. And so if you guys don't already know, I left my job at Haji Lane after 2 weeks. Life at Haji Lane ain't as glamourous as you guys think it is. Argh. Whole day spent steaming clothes, hanging them, taking them out and folding them and tagging them. If the clothes are really awesome, I'd do them in a heartbeat with no hesitation but gosh, I don't have the passion for clothes which I think look just merely all right and cost 50 dollars. Dude, I wanna work in the fashion industry, not be a freaking lies factory. I'm not gonna try to promote something that I myself don't feel that hyped up about.

And with that, yes, I'm back to just plain ol' B&J. Applied for more jobs, such as CPF Building with AWESOME PAY but obviously not the field that I want. BUT STILL, HOW CAN ANYONE(ESPECIALLY A DIPLOMA GRADUATE LIKE ME) REFUSE 1.8K A MONTH WITH CPF? :D Let's just see where that goes. But major stupidity on my part, I applied for this media shit and totally forgot about it and didn't check my professional email thinking the whole time that I'm such a loser who will never be able to break into the industry of my dreams and today when I checked my email I realised they replied me and granted me an interview on the 16TH WHICH IS TMD 6 DAYS AGO! FML! >: So I sent them a deeply apologetic email and hope they'd give me a chance. PRAY FOR ME!

And with Haji now a sorry part of my past, I've been attending trainings. Competition is just a few days away its scary. Actually, not really. Just a tad saddening 'cause after all it will be my last. Weirdly while I've been waiting my whole Polytechnic life for this chapter to close but now that it is the last one, I feel apprehensive. Looking ahead, I could have my dream nails, complexion and skinny frame back but I would miss all the laughter tears and joy. If only I could have it all. >:

And so studies is a pretty much a done deal since university is not gonna be anytime soon, work is in the process of getting, having a ball with my friends, what about love? Oh fuck love, I'd say. Since everyone is this world is fucking sadistic and like to play mindgames(I think I do too, unintentionally. Or do I?), I am just gonna see where life takes me. Ok, ALL ABOARD!

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