Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I have started working at Haji. First two days working there were pretty fine. Store just opposite Collage. Everyday just keep seeing people smoking outside only. >: Sian. Oh wells, hope time passes faster so that I'll get more used to the job. But there are lots of perks about working there.

Firstly, when I'm there I feel uber inspired to dress up. Like I won't feel like, "sian Singaporeans all like dress so simply, I look so out of place". But the people there, all one of a kinds. The weather nowadays can be tmd hot but they still can wear until damn nice. And its not those just one Topshop or whatever. But more like, local designers you know those very effortlessly put together look? Like whoa. I'm gonna people watch more often when I work :D

Secondly, for the 2 days I've been there, I already encounter people coming in to loan items for fashion shoots and fashion spreads in magazines. LIKE WTF HOW COOL'S THAT? THATS LIKE MY DREAM JOB LA HELLO? Fashion Stylist siaaaaaa. Le sigh.

Thirdly, I get to know a lot more about the fashion industry in Singapore. I always had this mentality that the fashion industry is damn small in Singapore. But its not THAT small actually. Its just that local magazines tend to feature the same few designers and labels THATS WHY it SEEMS small. So cool la. And as they say 'beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder'. Soooo, different people got different perception on fashion so ohwells. Learning new terms about fashion and the management and what goes on behind the scenes of new stocks and producing LIKE OMG I'M JUST DUMPING WORDS EVERYWHERE BUT YOU GET WHAT I MEAN RIGHT? ;D

Thats why I always felt like if I ever want to do anything related to the fashion industry, I got to start somewhere. So thankful for this job. (: Gonna find out more and learn more and see how it goes. :D

Oh yes, if you guys wanna come visit me I'm at Mono + :D But I can't chill chill talk talk smoke smoke with you guys for too long cause I good employee. :D HAHAHA.

Hohoho, anyways tmr, eh wait, technically speaking its TONIGHT, will be awesome awesome with my kakis! :D BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER! And before that, its tanning with BFF again. AWESOME NOTS? <3



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