Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas \(^o^)/

On the way home, right now. After spending one thousand million gabajillion on skincare from Kiehls and makeup from Benefit (gonna convince myself this sad face of mine has some sort of salvation), I decided I'm gonna start early this year, and make some Christmas resolutions! :D

1. DON'T BE LAZY. Gotta start making my money worth! For all I know, those over the counter brands, i.e. Hada Labo is very effective in improving my skin condition, just that I'm wayyyyyy too lazy to keep to any form of skincare regimes. So yep, now that I have spent so much on Kiehls. Time to be more hardworking. /nods.

2. DRINK MORE WATER. If you interact with me often enough, you'd realised that I barely/hardly consume any H2O. The rare occasions where I do drink water, is when the day is super duper crazy mad hot and there ain't apple juice around. HA! So yeps, no matter how good my skincare routine is, no water = no good for skin.

3. DON'T BE LAZY; PT. II I love buying unique clothes and crazy heels and boots. But, like MOST Singaporeans, I am so chapalang casual that I would fall back to the same old' typical any laidback top/tank with denim shorts and flipflops, /yawns. Boring ain't it? Gotta start being adventurous and confident enough to wear right! And look good ;P

4. CURB MY EXPENDITURE. This is sad. :( Anyone else feels that they need to spend? Like I need to buy something new. To feel better. Oh god Imma shopperholic. :x I think the subheading says it all. :x Maybe limit myself to splurging on one thing per month.

I guess that's for all for now. FOR NOW. HEH.

Goodnight world :*

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