Wednesday, December 14, 2011


S'been awhile since I've been here. Ever since I upgraded my iPad to iOS5, Blogpress kept crashing, and I don't really use my laptop anymore soooo, no posts. Bloody waste of my US$4.99 if you ask me. Blogpress better fix that bug!

Anyhoo, loads to update, like Zoukout 2011 with boyfr and BFF and all me loves <3. But I shall wait for that slow pig to upload the photos on FB before I grab them ^^

I just got my Canon G12, so I figured I got more reasons to blog eh? :D

I was thinking of doing a post on tattoos hehe :P Anyone anywhere wants to get their first tatt, don't know how don't know where to do? Hehehe stay tuned for more details! \(^^ \)

Okiedokey! Still at shit work now, gots to go~ Toodle dooo folks ^^

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