Friday, December 30, 2011

NYE 2011

Was supposed to do facial today, but it turned out to be a consultation only. Got a booklet from Beauti Instinct on the diet dos and donts for blood group B+. Apparently chicken, pork, canola oil, avocado, tomatoes and etcetera are like 'poison' to my body. :'( How to eat you tell me.

Lucky for me though, Loo and Zoe were in town. Met them at FEP and then to Somerset to meet Mr and Mrs Armstrong. Days with them are never dull :D Finally bought me DMs! Maybe I should really consider selling my cherry red DMs. Any takers? ;)

Came home to my Sunettes from Carte Blanche X :D Happy girl, but I got to stop spending :x easily spent 4 digits this month oh God :x

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