Monday, November 19, 2012

+8610; through the iphone

I am back from +8610, and thought I'd do a little preview of my Beijing trip from the pictures I took using le ip5. Got to say iP5 takes really decent photos (Y)

On the way to the airport at 10ish pm.

Boyfr met me there to send me off :'( First time going overseas without him.

My roomie for the 4 days :D

Breaksfast on SQ800.

Somewhere over HK if I am not wrong, the view of the sunrise was beautiful :3

Dropped off our luggages at the hotel and went to Tian An Men first since it was too early for check in.

First buy of the trip, my furry panda cap for 28 RMB (approximately S$6)? :D

Forbidden City.

Maple trees galore outside the Forbidden City.

Tian An Men.

Forbidden City.

Second part of the first day was free and easy so we headed to Wang Fu Jing, which is essentially something like our Orchard Road. Mehh~

Interesting Food streets though, they serve deep fried 'live' scorpions and starfishes. GROSS!

Second day, started off with a yum yum big breakfast. Wasn't feeling too well already due to the weather I think. But we were gonna conquer the Great Wall, so I ain't gonna pass on that :D

#OOTD; piling on like nobodies' business.

 #FOTD; sunblock, eyebrows, eyeliner and concealer. #nofoundation.

We were supposed to be climbing the famous Badaling portion, but ended up at the mad challenging JuYongGuan. MADNESS I tell you. We only made it to the first tower, second tower max before we waved the white flag and made our descent via the mountain path.

Not really a scenery kind of chick but I am digging it in Beijing.

Lunch was at this way cool place called "Commune at the Great Wall". Its really O.O Bee-ee-aye-utiful. Not to mention, there was snow there ^^ SO HAPPY!

Company dinner was at 全聚德烤鸭店; supposedly best Peking Duck restaurant in Beijing. Food had its hits and misses but who gives. :)

Ran a bath in my fawesome hotel room :3 Mad love it seriously.

Third day; Free and Easy with my girls. Headed to the Art district and Beijing Zoo.

Friend I made in the Art District. 

Drinks we had that night in my room.

Last brekkie of the trip :'(

In my S$20 denim parka from Ju Long (near Beijing Zoo), before I set off ALONE (I AM SO FUCKING BRAVE) to the CBD of Beijing to look for le boyfr's NB574, which was a nada trip. BUT I found Spark! LOL -.-

Sorry for the messy room pictures but it didn't occur to me that I didn't take room pictures LOL! So yeps, my humble abode for 4 days :')

On the way to the airport to come back to stuffy ol' +65.

The people who suffered the cold with me; actually I kinda like the cold now :P

Hello +65.

More indepth pictures and blogging will be done when I upload them from my camera. Touch down last night at 2300, I am now in office since 9pm. Zzz. So so tired.

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