Friday, November 30, 2012

Beijing; Visual Vomit


Forbidden City & Tian An Men.

The only thing worth eating in this restaurant, faking good shit that just melts in your mouth. Fattening, who gives!


Great Wall of China, Commune at the Great Wall & Ming Tombs.

Scaling the Great Wall; possibly one of the most physically challenging thing I've ever attempted. I could only make it through one mini teeny weeny segment before calling it quits. Imagine trying to walk up an impossibly steep stairs in the freezing cold, madness! But the scenery was well worth it :)

Descending from where I was wasn't a walk in the park either. This way isn't as taxing, but still packs a punch! 

Lunch was at this restaurant located at Commune by the Great Wall. I'd love to come back and stay here. Architectural wonder combined with just breath taking scenery is love.

Apologise for the lack of pictures at this place, I was too busy playing with snow :D

Honestly, I thought Ming Tomb was meh~


Decided to venture out on our own to the shopping areas :3

But prior to shopping, we stopped by the 798 Dashanzi Art District. I love the ambience here. It was so creative and individualistic. A far cry from any so-called "Art District' in Singapore, if there is even any. 

Beijing Zoo station. If "wholesale shopping" is what you're after, this is the place for you. Okay actually this shopping centre is shit to me, I didn't really like the stuff but there are tons of such shopping centers around so feel free to explore on your own :) Thats what we did.

Whilst waiting for the other 3 to arrive as traffic is PEK is rather mad!


Thats all of the photos I have in my camera. I was on an extremely tight schedule so I didn't really had the time to slowly take pictures and stuff. PLUS the weather was MAD COLD to me and I didn't really wanna take my gloves off and take pictures too. :S

I am usually a shopping kinda person; prior to this trip, if anyone were to suggest to me "hey lets go ____" and that destination is nothing but just scenery, I'd probably say no to him. But after this trip, I realized "WOW the world is soooooo beautiful" and how small are we!? 

So how was the trip? I'd say despite it being a country that isn't too popular with most  young Singaporeans, I really quite enjoyed it. :)) Would love to go back one day and really explore PEK. 

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