Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Back from Day3 of Semester2Year3, it has been a daze! Totally still sleepy most of the time I'm not even sure if I've been attending the right lectures and classes! LOL kidding obviously I did. Coincidentally, today is a Wednesday and right now a week ago I was getting high at OneFullerton. Oh how time flies)): Oneday I'll be back there getting high too, but not now I guess and not anytime soon. I wanna eat HK desserts at Chinatown oneday anyone? HAHA craving like mad since the weather is such a bitch these days all I can think about is cold cheng tng yummmy to the max! Can't believe I'm finally running tmr with Julie Ho! PLEASE DON'T PANGSEH ME AHHH! Today before I sleep I shall:
  • Print my notes for tmr's lectures
  • Paint my nails which are uberly cui now
  • Perhaps another mask? :D
  • Gotta stop thinking
  • pack my stuff for tmr(:

Right now my mind is too dazed and fatigued to think about you anyways.

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