Monday, December 17, 2012


I said I wouldn't cash in on whats happening now, and I am going to try and stay true with it. But I just can't help writing about it. But I won't mention names and all. Just my 2 cents.

After everything that has transpired, I don't think Z has anything to say because there is none. The whole fucking bowl of water is black with ink, how do you suppose she get the ink out? There is no way. 

It may be her life, but she chose to publicise it. She chose to have a side career as a blogger which is obviously, not private. If you want to share your life, then chances are people are going to be curious about every damn aspect. When something like this happens, you don't just avoid the whole damn thing like "whoa this is my personal life, I don't need to answer to whoever." 

But if she wants to, she can. But why should people who read her blog, the people who are the cause of her side income, continue giving her support? She is a damn blogger for God's sake! She needs your hits (nobody gives a rat's ass how these hits came from) to earn, to get sponsors, etc! So by pasting her blog, her FB page, her twitter, you are just helping her get more hits. 

If you are really keen to know, google is your best friend. I have to admit, as humans , we are just naturally curious to know the unknown. And I am pretty sure with me writing this is all the more tempting to know whats going on, that has thrown the online world into a angry hot mess since last night.Google. Or just search "Alvin & Yuki" on FB and you got your thing. But just don't, patronise any of her blog, Instagram or Twitter.

Why? Why am I so adamant on this? 

I believe what she did is just so wrong in so many ways. And this is not the first time she did it. She did it at least one other time other than this time. So it goes to show that she thinks its perfectly alright for her to fight for what she wants! Its only alright to fight for what you want if no one gets hurt. But obviously nothing else matters to her but herself.

The first time it happened, XX may not have blown it up because she only knew of what happened to her friend years later. It seemed redundant and uncalled for, for her to just splash it over the internet for no rhyme or reason. But now it has happened again, so we need to take a stand, that this is wrong, and she should not be supported for this.

See. I am not going to take advantage of the situation and cash in and get hits too. I don't need it. 

Slight disclaimer: By cashing in, means publishing her name and all the relevant links so that when people google, my entry and my blog will come up in their search and when they click, I get to earn from that. Nope. Sharing on my FB like all my other entries. And my FB is locked, meaning only friends see my posts. And even if this FB post is public, come on, who am I tryna kid, I am not that pops, what are the chances strangers are gonna click on my profile and link here? So yeps. 

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