Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Homewrecker; (ii)

In addition to what has been going on, one thing I don't condone is losing objective and letting your emotions get the better of you.

Take the current Z, A & Y's saga. Hoards of strangers spamming Z's FB page with expletives and opinions on her privates and labels that could be true but uncalled for.

If you are so unhappy with whats going on, how does calling people names help? Seriously. Make her feel bad? Make her feel like shit? How different are we as compared to her then? Her lack of judgment and her actions caused immense grief to someone. Should we not be the better person to not do the same?

We feel unjust for Y, yes. But like what I said, the only true way to be able to get the ball rolling is not to heap vulgarities and being totally uncouth.

Z is choosing to be silent, so that all these will soon blow over. After it has somewhat subside, she will then make her move (though I don't know what). The only way for this to have any movement at all now is to "boycott" everything she represents. To show that you do not condone such acts too. That companies choosing to still endorse her, would then mean that they too are acceptable of such behaviours. And hence if so, we do not patronise them too. Simple as that. Why would any companies want to suffer loses or engage the services of someone who is then unable to assist them in profit making?

Its her life, yes. Her friends can say that she is not accountable to us in any way. But in the same manner we are upset when we witness Alex Ong pushing the old woman off the bus, its the exact same reason why we are pissed with what is going on with Z and her manner of handling the situation now.

Maybe the old woman aggravated him, but we know that no matter what it is still wrong for him to push the old woman down. Wrong means wrong. You don't have to make excuses for why you did it. But when you are wrong, and all you can do is a feeble attempt of "Hi All, there r untrue things bein said abt me. I leave it to ur good senses to choose what to believe. Thks to those who keep faith in me."

Like I mentioned before, its her choice if she still feels that she does not need to answer to anybody about her actions, whatever it is. But she cannot expect people to just take her above tweet and stop talking about her. If she doesn't wanna do any explanation, she can't blame the public for taking whats already out there and make a stand to "boycott" her. 

Peace out.

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