Thursday, January 3, 2013

Zoukout 2012

I know I know, so disgustingly late, this post is. I apologize. December 2012 was a crazy whirl, especially so towards the end.

So this year's Zoukout was split into 2 days, and I only went for Day 2. Main highlight to me for Day 2 was hands down Knife Party. It was AMAZEBALLS, we were like SO EFFING CLOSE to them Knife Party I was so stoked!!!

Their entire set was absofuckinglutely terrific, they played Greyhound, Centipede on top of the other tracks I featured in the above video. Thats what I love most with attending music festivals like Zoukout; getting just completely lost in the music you love~ It was a true pity I could only confirm my attendance to Zoukout 2012 a mere 2 days before the event itself so none of my usual party crew could attend :( 2013, LEZGO ALRIGHTY MATES?

Anyways, I looked through my camera photos and videos of that day and guess what, no pictures of ME AT ALL O.O WHAT THE HELL RIGHT. So I conclude that there are basically 3 types of people who attend Zoukout/music festivals:

  1. People who genuinely go for the music and only the music/experience; yknow, just there to immerse and soak everything up and have a good time.
  2. People who attend for the sake of attending; they usually don't know shit about the music and just go because "yeah we party cause we cool like that and whooooaaa good song, who plays it?" and cite "David Guetta" as the world's best DJ (pfftt)
  3. People who are half (1) & (2).

So usually I am number (3) but I guess this year I went number (1). 

I am quite bummed though, Porter Robinson & Calvin Harris both played Madeon's Icarus but I wasn't part of the crowd when they did. I was either loitering somewhere near the bars or waiting at the toilets. So so so bummed. :( HAISH.

All in all, Zoukout 2012 was awesome for Knife Party and Knife Party only. Wish my usual party crew went along cause it would have been so rad! :(

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