Friday, December 11, 2009

Finally, a much deserved break :D I'm happy happy! But then, when I am just starting to relax, I am also falling sick. Totally FML. Shoulda coulda be clubbing partying hard nao but noooo, I'm home. -sulks. ): Nehmind! Wednesday hurhur Shuhui BFF! Ready steady pom pee pee! :D:D:D

Harrow Julie! :D Hehheh! Random photo of the day again! LOL(: Aren't you gladdd we got each other to bitch to! :D Anyways, tomorrow I'm gonna be at Sand Toh Saaaaa with Siew and Ng! :D CAN YOU SPELL AWESOME? THAT'LL BE J-O-L-E-N-E! YAYYY! HAHAHAHA! :D And with that I give you zzzzzzzzzz, BAI! :D

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