Sunday, December 27, 2009

Just a quick quick update. Went for the annual Christmas dinner with the entire extended family today. I think I just gained 20pounds or something from all the mash potato, pies, turkeys, hams and whatnots. Fcking full now but all worth it. Knowing my digestive system, everything will be out by tomorrow morning. Or maybe even later.
Tomorrow steamboat with the other Devlins at Yinteng's! Food food food, I'm kinda sorta getting sick of it. WHICH IS GOOD, judging from the amount I eat is like equivalent to the entire population of Africa's! \: Gahh.

Harrow Shunshun(: We ish pweetiezxzx lyk datzxzx :D:D:D Anyways, am glad am glad if you see my entry below I wanted to get a few things done AND I DID HOFCKINGRAY! :D Eyelash extensions touch up done, new dress for Wednesday, TOTALLY YEAH :D:D:D Sho nice ohgheys am so happy with my buy :D See the pictures of it on FB when Shuhui uploads them after Wednesday. SPEAKING OF WHICH, I MISS MY BFFs! ): MatthewHong and SiewShuhui! JoleneQuek SOS to both of you prease!): -pouts.

PS: How can you say that you have no time for the team when you obviously still have time for other things. }: Why did you give up when we haven't?

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