Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"Goodbye forever; never see you again."

And she said "I can't help you, if you don't let me
You're here to live just be, don't forget me
The end of this dance you don't want to regret me, live
'Cause tonight you'll all be set free"

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dream Life;

What I wish to accomplish before I turn 30:

  • Living in a bachelorette pad with a pug :D
  • Working in one of my dream jobs (not gonna mention it here, not gonna jinx it)
  • Have travelled to NYC
  • To visit Julie in UK before she comes back (if you're even coming back but look Julie, didn't forget about you :D)
  • Definitely to be financially free whilst accomplishing the above 
  • To be happy alone;
That's my dream now. & here's a picture of my face during Daddykin's 61st birthday dinner in case you forgot how I look like :P

Hiakhiakhiak, I was running a temperature that day, so pardon if I look cui :3

Thinking of doing a 50 random facts about me post, so till then see you! :D


So anyways, if you're following me on Instagram, you would have already seen this post. But I just like to say a few more words about how I went from :( to :'( to >:( to >:'( to :| to this :)

All along, I've been happy with just me and my few good friends. I've never been someone who wants 10,000 friends, I just need a few good ones who I can look for and count on. Thats that. Just had to clarify in case you're wondering am I the sort who has to be attached 24/7/365; nope. I am perfectly happy being single, just like most people do, I have a hard time readjusting to single life after being attached for a couple of years. And no, I do not LOOK for my next one(s). I believe in Love at first sight, and trust me, that doesn't happen often for me. Eyecandy is one thing, crazy attraction is another. And crazy attraction only happened once for me, and it was with J. So... ANYWAYS..

Ever since I got attached for the first time, and the subsequent one, I always thought when I am attached, I need to place the happiness and welfare of my significant other way higher than I should on mine. It doesn't matter, if I'm unhappy. As long as my other half is, I would be. Everything in my life when I'm attached is all about him him him. He's happy, I'm happy. 

I guess I finally realised, that that's not the way? Sometimes we just don't have the right answers for everything. Why things don't work out and shit. We won't always know what happened on the other side, we can only work on our side. So that's what I'm going to do. Work on my side.

Remember what Sam told Charlie? "You can't just sit there and put everyone's life ahead of yours and think that counts as Love." I need to stop being like Charlie, stop thinking about what X wants, or what Y needs; I need to start living my life how I want it to be. 

Its exactly like what I'm telling Shu as above; I'll build my Life as so. How I want it, where I want it; if someone comes into my Life, I won't fervently deny that person access into my Life. But I won't change either, to be who that person wants me to be. If it doesn't work out, then I am sorry to see you go. But if it does, then good for us both.


I'm proud of myself. (:

Stefan & Elena

"I'm not sorry that I met you. I'm not sorry that knowing you has made me question everything, that in death you're the one that made me feel most alive. You've been a terrible person. You made all the wrong choices and of all the choices that I've made; this will prove to be the worst one, but I'm not sorry that I'm in love with you."

Sometimes you can do a thousand right things, but a thousand right things won't change anything if its with the wrong person. We were just, wrong for each other. 

Stefan: "What if Elena was The One?"
Lexi: "She was, and she will always be an epic love. Contrary to popular belief, there are actually multiple Ones. The only way to find another, is to let go."


"Why don't you tell me that 'if the girl had been worth having she'd have waited for you'? No, sir, the girl really worth having won't wait for anybody.” Francis Scott Fitzgerald; This Side of Paradise.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

where'd you go?

"I want you to know that its a little fucked up that I'm stuck here waiting, no longer debating. Tired of sitting and hating and making these excuses for why you're not around, and feeling so useless. It seems one thing has been true all along, you don't really know what you've got till its gone. I guess I've had it with you and your career. When you come back, I won't be here and you can sing it;"

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013

; when every colour illuminates.

I applaud every single one of you, who have loved and lost, and opened your heart to love again.

Once bitten, twice shy. I don't know if I can do it a third time. I look at another, but I can't imagine myself loving another. It just, repulses me. 

When you loved the first, you give it all. When it ends, you slowly stitch yourself up and when you do, the next one comes along. You tell yourself, remember what happened the first time, you can't give too much. But you get too happy, and think "this time its different". 

And then it ends again. 

I don't feel sad anymore. Or angry. Or anything. I just feel so numb. Like, I should have known.

Call me pessimistic. Call me melodramatic. But I just don't see how its possible in this day and age that there will be a Happily Ever After. Situations around me; couples who date long and happy (or so we thought, obviously) breaking up. Couples who get married, and divorce in a short span of 3 months. I feel happy for the couples around me who are genuinely happy. I really do. But it reminds me that that used to be me. And right now its just this seemingly never-ending cesspool of nothingness. Nothing is certain. Not until one is on the death bed and they have really been through everything together. Tell me, how many have you seen who has been through that?

I used to believe in Love. I used to believe Love can do anything. Love will move people, change people but I forgot that Love is a 2 sided thing. One sided Love can't do shit. & I honestly believe right now, that silly me, with my silly romantic thinking is just going to get ripped to shreds if I continue with my silly, silly notion.

Since I can't handle all the emotions that comes along with heartbreak, I'd rather just not step into it again. 

As the old saying goes, "if you can't change them, join them". So I will. 

I know its a vicious cycle, but right now I need to think for myself. Seemingly this world is every man for himself. I've got to think like a man. 

I am now running on empty. But I will learn to be happy, on my own. Because that's the only thing I can rely on for now, &possibly forever (in a totally non-melodramatic way).

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Review: Cocoa B, Customise your own chocolates!! :D


Finally getting down to doing this! I actually received these almost a month ago but only getting down to it because during this tough period of time everyone keeps giving me chocolates! So I finish all the other chocolates already, time to eat some Cocoa B!! :D

What is Cocoa B? Basically they are a chocolate customisation service! Love chocolates? Customise your very own concoction right here! Looking to buy a gift for someone but don't know what to get? Chocolates the safest way to go because seriously who doesn't love chocolates?!!?!?!? Afraid that buying the typical departmental store chocolates will make you seem very insincere? Customise your very own then! Problem solved! :D

Extremely easy to use interface~ Just click on "Create your own chocolate", choose the type and amount of chocolate..

Pick from Cocoa B's extensive range of toppings from exotic flavours such as Bacon Bits (!) and Chicken Floss (!!).. other exotic seasoning such as chilli flakes, cajun or garlic flakes!?.. the more sane choices such as the rainbow sprinkles and gummy bears! :D

I sent my order to Cocoa B and ta da!!

Both my customisations are mildly adventurous :P I hum ji don't dare to try the really exotic ones.

For the first bar, the exotic ingredient I chose with my Milk Chocolate is Dried Longans! Have you had Dried Longans with your chocolates before? I haven't!

Pretty Jelly Beanies and Hazelnuts and Dried Longans O.O

Shall go straight to the weird ingredient and..



Interesting! HHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Now I know how it tastes like together ;)

Next up, so-called "exotic" seasoning chosen for my Dark Chocolate is Sea Salt! But I think I've ate chocolate with sea salt before PLUS I love my Chocolate Dark and intense so I am fairly confident of this combination :P

Check out them huge macadamias O.O

Nuts and chocolates aren't a combination to cry about so I shall go straight to the gummies and sea salt :D


One can never go wrong with Seasalt and dark chocolate :D

Soooooo, my final verdict about Cocoa B is yummy and extremely interesting out of this world Chocolate concoctions! DID CHU KNOW: One of their best selling flavours is one..

DAZ RIGHT. BACON BITS AND CHOCOLATE WTF. If anybody tried this please tell me what it tastes like HHAHAHAHAHA I don't dare to try LOL~~~

OKAY, so scoot over to Cocoa B now and go cray crayyyy!! :D


Finally done with whatever I owe :P

Hope my reviews helped someone in some way & 


Review: Mineral Cosmetics (MICA Beauty & Bella Terra)


I was invited to After Eve: The Skin Studio last Monday to get to know more about their make up products :D Truthfully, I am pretty excited to try out their make up because ITS ALL PURE MINERALS!?!?!! 

If you're wondering whats the difference between the typical drugstore products and mineral products, mineral make up are made up of 100% pure minerals with no artificial fragrances, chemicals or silicon! Mineral make up are also generally much kinder to your skin and when put on, has a more natural finish as compared to typical drugstore brands :D

I was very kindly sponsored a couple of stuff to try out and here's what I think about them!

Mica Beauty Gel Liner, Bella Terra Eye Shimmer in #5 Seashell, Mica Beauty Eye Primer and Mica Beauty Brow Pencil in #05 Puce.

Starting off with a bare face, conceal or and light sweep of blush. :D

First step: Priming the eyes.

Eye primers help to set your eye make up. So before anything goes onto your lids, dab a little and pat all over the lids.

Very creamy formula, very different from the very popular Urban Decay (UD) Primer Potion which I used to spam use last time. UD's formula seems a tad drier to me, and the finish is more sheer as compared to Mica Beauty's. 

As you can see, its very creamy and a little goes a long way. This much on my ring finger is way more than sufficient for both my eyes! After putting it on, the eye area looks instantly brightened and alert because of the colour! :D

Step Two: Lining the eyes.

Honest to blog, I've never owned a gel liner before. Always thought they were a hassle because I have to bring another brush along (when I'm out) just to line my eyes. I was perfectly happy using my liquid felt tip liners UNTIL, V from After Eve persuaded me that I have got to try their gel liner! So okay, challenge accepted! :D

Thoughts when using the gel liner; "holy shit so smooth!"

The black gel glides on like a dream, very black, which is always a good thing. Nothing I can't stand more than black eyeliner that you've got to layer one thousand times over to get the blackest black.

Second love about this product is that the product is designed to accommodate the brush together with the gel! Ingenious!! No more excuse for me to not use gel liners anymore!! :D

One lid done.

Both lids done.

As you can see, very smooth lines, very black. (Y) Me likes ALOT.

Step Three: Filling in the brows.

HOKAY, actually this step is a wee bit redundant for me because if you've been following me on Twitter *coughs* or Instagram *coughs*, you would already know that I recently went to get my eyebrows embroidered. But on some days when I want a bolder brow look, I'd still fill them in with my Benefit Brow Zing :D Which I absolutely adoreeeee but okay shall give Mica Beauty's a go!

Pictures don't lie, the finish is very natural and one thing I loveee is that since its mineral based its not going to make me pop pimples on my brows :(

Anybody gets that? Pimples on your brows? Very very annoying! And even though I love Brow Zing, it takes a longer time for me to fill in my brows with powder as compared to a pencil. So convenience wise and skincare wise, Mica Beauty wins :D

Step Four: Highlighting/eyeshadow

I don't really do these on a regular basis but for this post I shall! :D 

I LOVE THIS!! PURE MINERALS. The pigment is too good to be true!!

I was given the liberty to choose ANY colour I wanted. Yellow, fluorescent pink, but I am a pro-neutrals girl so I chose the above colour!  

Very light swatch of the colour, perfect for on-the-go highlighting!

For higher nose bridge, or in my case, to have a nose bridge LOLOLOL~

TADA! Can see the colour right! Its damn chio IRL. I have so far used it on my lids, on my brow bone and cheekbones as a highlighter! 

There is more to this shimmer! Its called "8 Way Shimmer" for a reason!

1. Mix it with a gloss for a instant lipgloss
2. Use it as a body shimmer
3. Use it as a highlighter for cheeks
4. Use it as a eyeshadow
5. Use it as a hair shimmer
6. Use it as a highlighter for brow bones
7. Use it as a blush

&(^(&$(^&*(^(&$%^($%# IKR!! I saw it with my own eyes, V demonstrated to me! :D Very simple all she did was dab the shimmer on her nails and go over with top coat! I would have taken a picture of myself doing it but I currently have gel nails on :(

If you're interested, go down to

After Eve: The Skin Studio
Wisma Atria
Tel: 67373309

My finished look :D

Simple, natural, and super easy to use! Thanks After Eve! :D:D:D:D

Thursday, May 9, 2013

#nowwatching; Garden State

but the world is not a wish granting factory.

Watching this whole scene, felt so strikingly similar to it. But Life, is not a movie. &movies, usually give us unrealistic expectations of Life.