Wednesday, May 8, 2013

No light, no light

Haven't updated something without removing it hours later for a bit. What happened? 

Life happened. 

So what have I been up to lately? Catching up with friends, reading alot, and listening to perhaps a little too much Death Cab, The XX and Florence. Have you just sit somewhere alone, smoking a stick, reading The Great Gatsby or prior to that, The Faults in Our Stars, with a cup of Ice Caffe Latte? Such is Life. I don't even know if that's a good habit for my current situation now though, since I find myself thinking way too much when I do that.

Sometimes I think about how Life mocks us. Just when you thought that you have perhaps figured out something right, it throws you off-track and make you realise that you don't know shit about Life. So what have I been doing for the past 2.5 years? I honestly don't know. /shrugs. Life.

Tonight; Beer and wings with J(too many Js in my life LOL). 

Anyhoo, I probably should get down to my required writings soon. This weekend, sponsored reviews for Cocoa-B and Bella Terra will be up!! (I hope)

Have a great Thursday! :)

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