Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dream Life;

What I wish to accomplish before I turn 30:

  • Living in a bachelorette pad with a pug :D
  • Working in one of my dream jobs (not gonna mention it here, not gonna jinx it)
  • Have travelled to NYC
  • To visit Julie in UK before she comes back (if you're even coming back but look Julie, didn't forget about you :D)
  • Definitely to be financially free whilst accomplishing the above 
  • To be happy alone;
That's my dream now. & here's a picture of my face during Daddykin's 61st birthday dinner in case you forgot how I look like :P

Hiakhiakhiak, I was running a temperature that day, so pardon if I look cui :3

Thinking of doing a 50 random facts about me post, so till then see you! :D


So anyways, if you're following me on Instagram, you would have already seen this post. But I just like to say a few more words about how I went from :( to :'( to >:( to >:'( to :| to this :)

All along, I've been happy with just me and my few good friends. I've never been someone who wants 10,000 friends, I just need a few good ones who I can look for and count on. Thats that. Just had to clarify in case you're wondering am I the sort who has to be attached 24/7/365; nope. I am perfectly happy being single, just like most people do, I have a hard time readjusting to single life after being attached for a couple of years. And no, I do not LOOK for my next one(s). I believe in Love at first sight, and trust me, that doesn't happen often for me. Eyecandy is one thing, crazy attraction is another. And crazy attraction only happened once for me, and it was with J. So... ANYWAYS..

Ever since I got attached for the first time, and the subsequent one, I always thought when I am attached, I need to place the happiness and welfare of my significant other way higher than I should on mine. It doesn't matter, if I'm unhappy. As long as my other half is, I would be. Everything in my life when I'm attached is all about him him him. He's happy, I'm happy. 

I guess I finally realised, that that's not the way? Sometimes we just don't have the right answers for everything. Why things don't work out and shit. We won't always know what happened on the other side, we can only work on our side. So that's what I'm going to do. Work on my side.

Remember what Sam told Charlie? "You can't just sit there and put everyone's life ahead of yours and think that counts as Love." I need to stop being like Charlie, stop thinking about what X wants, or what Y needs; I need to start living my life how I want it to be. 

Its exactly like what I'm telling Shu as above; I'll build my Life as so. How I want it, where I want it; if someone comes into my Life, I won't fervently deny that person access into my Life. But I won't change either, to be who that person wants me to be. If it doesn't work out, then I am sorry to see you go. But if it does, then good for us both.


I'm proud of myself. (:

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