Sunday, August 30, 2009

Just when I thought things were going well, things were looking up, I start to encounter obstacles. Obstacles that never fail to throw me back into the past. And there I'll go again, 'how I wish...' Why does the world always seem to unfair, unjust, sad and lonely to me? Things can't just go smoothly for once? There is so much I want to say. But who can I turn to now? And will they really be there when I need them to be? Because past encounters have proven to me that nobody, nobody, can be relied on. So where do I go from here?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sometimes I don't know whats up with me. Don't know exactly what was I thinking when I do certain things. I know the things I do sometimes are totally mean and stuff but I really don't know what to do anymore. Its just in me to stop doing certain things when I know there isn't a point anymore in doing so. Well, its better than just leading on right?
IDK luh. Really don't. And I'm too darn lazy to continue thinking whether I should do this or that or not do anything. Lets just, take a step back and see how things go alright?
I wanna go tanning tomorrow again! ): If not my Friday morning and afternoon will be gone!):

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

and that isn't the end. Today I decided to ignore all them friend requests. SERIOUSLY, I don't get it. Tskkk. All I want to do naozxzx, is to be suntanning in Sentosa): Sun likka shiokkk! Okok, the SUPERRR SUPERRR NICE PICTURY POST COMING SOON. Gotta get them photos from Shupig BFF and CorinneOng Gorgeous :D

Monday, August 24, 2009



Friday, August 21, 2009

Harlowww!(: Here to do a little short update. Cause I feel like it. {: Happy! Why? Cause my BFF is finally back from fcking Langkawi! Coolios! Gonna meet her later! Or now! Likka sweeet! And I promise a good long pictury update alright! Coming up next so hold on your horses!
Baizxzx! ^^v

Friday, August 14, 2009

On hiatus.

Think Imma pause here for awhile. Not gonna stop blogging cause I know I won't be able to. Not doing this only because other people are doing so. I'm doing this for me, and me only. Sometimes I forget that my blog is such a public space, that every little thing I write is for so many people to see. From the team mate to the auntie living below my flat(she probably doesn't do that, but imagine if she does and how horrifying that is). Maybe, its time for a little 'me' time. Hope you guys understand. I'll be away at another space, if yknow then good for you. Till my next entry here at I hope you have a good one, be it days or months :D

Thursday, August 13, 2009

so I guess that means what we had wasn't true, thats why it wasn't worth fighting for. But I'm cool with that(: HAHAHA! I've been happy these days, could have been better but I'm just grateful for everything that life brings for now. Contentment. Is awesome :D I just wished we still had poolslots): Gahhh!

Yesterday was, a bit of a letdown. Nothing much spectacular going on, Jolyn and me just totally bored out of our minds. Gross guys here and there, this time we had guys following us from Mambo all the way to Phuture just so that they could try see if they could 'get some'. How gross can guys be! GAHHH. But it was nice, hanging out with Jolyn Ng!(: Must hang out more kaykay!:D

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

& tmr I shall get the above. IDK about the kiss, maybe from my BFF when she sees me?(: HAHAHA! Quite eggcited for tomorrow! Its like, Homecoming for ShuHui Bestie and me :D You have no fcking idea how long we waited for this!(:

Anyways, I've been spending alot lately AGAIN. Buying loads of rubbish that me thinks are impulse buys. But some necessities as well. But Idk which are necessities and which are rubbish. Fake eyelash, necessities? Facial masks, rubbish? LOL, I've got some problem catergorizing stuffs! LOL. So I bought new eyelashes again! Like thick bushy ones that resembles cows' and giraffes'. ME LIKEYS! So tomorrow I'll be in school from 1pm onwards to just chillax so if you got nothing on between 1pm till 7pm, gimme a call or text! After which is training for the girls THEN DANCEDANCE with my favourites! :D Don't miss me!(:

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hello yellow fellows :D
Today was good! Some BFF loving yo! Can't wait for Wednesday for BFF FullForce :D
Managed to clear everything off my To-do list, well almost. Now just left with my tattoo(: Thread brows, check. Trim fringe, check. Manicure, check. Pedicure, check. Today likka full on pampering session!(: Thankew vewi much Matthew Hong!! Wooo sweet HAHAHAA!

Check out my blingzxzx blingzxzx nailzxzx!(: SHO HAPPY WORZXZX HAHAHA! Okkkk, real knackered. Gonna hit the sack soon! Wednesday lang training then off to crub! YAYY HAY BAYY! Can't wait! Okkk baizxzx bai naozxz! Don't think I'll be blogging that often anymore! Too much fun going on to blog! HAHA!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Finally cleared everything ECH for this semester. Nothing else to do now. Its a public holiday and I'm home. Mind starting to wander. Was watching <命中注定我爱你> and I couldn't get past the third episode. Some parts, make me don't want to watch on.
'Acceptance'. But still not quite there yet. Cause I'll keep going back to the part where I feel so shitty about how you left me behind and now you're probably out there watching fireworks with her now. So seriously, whats the point?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Seriously what I heard about you today is such a turn off okay. Gosh, I do not attempt to copy anyone or whatsoever. A girl can't blog and not be accused of trying to copy people hur? Seriously fuck you. Then again, you can fuck yourself for all I care cause apparently no one wants to fuck you! Seriously, I don't mind you being such an ass as long as you don't drag me in. But since you did, my impression of you has DEFINITELY changed. Why can't people be simple? Gahhh. She doesn't have like blogsongs and all. She doesn't put pictures with quote, does she? SHEEESH. Fuckers. Its cause of people like you thats why there was a word called 'BITCH' in the dictionary. GOSH, then again I am pretty sure people say that about you so often that its probably nothing to you aye? Hmph.

ANYWAYS, Devlins were okay today at NTU! :D 4th lehzxzx HAPPY NOTS?

Seee, I AM HAPPY and not in hiding. So seriously, you can go eat shit naozxzx.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Today is the start of the 2day chiongassignments mission! ): Gahhh, 30 pages can you please do yourselves or something? Pfft. Anyways, I'm eggcited! Subway Club later sweeeeeeet! :D Will blog later, baizxzx!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Ooooh! So eggcited for tomorrow, won't tell you why HEHHEH :D For me to know, and you don't need to find out! Anyways, Jiunnnn! Hope you're doing fine in Aussie now! See you in 3months time yehh? Soonsoon it'll be here before you can say 'Phuture'{:

One more thing, I'm definitely falling sick AGAIN. Thanks to unfinished antibiotics the previous time. Gahhh. Nose is clogged like fck.

Yesterday night I had so much on my mind. Wanted to blog but thought, whats the point? Doesn't make any difference. So I penned it down. Took 2 full pages of my notebook. Sigh. But worry not friends, according to the Kübler-Ross model, I'm already at the last stage. So after this, it can only go up(: I have so much plans for the future, am not gonna allow something so trivial and insignificant to stand in my way :D All things love can go suck my ass. Up yours, biatch!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Yeehawww! Morning earthlings :D
Don't know why so upbeat when I'm like falling sick and body aching like fckkkk. Hmmm. Guess, I came up from the right side of my bed this morning! (:
Anyways, yesterday was mad mad mad for the body. Training from morning to late afternoon then friendlies till late night. Crazy mad but fun(: I really really REALLY LOVE MY TEAMMATES :D They are the sexyzxzxzx bomb(: HAHAHHAHHAA! OMGosh but my body really aching likka mad. HAHA. Well, crossing fingers that later can go ION(: But why my bursary money takes so long to be transferred! Idiotic. Gross piece of shit. TSKKK.
TTYL, baizxzxzx.