Monday, August 3, 2009

Ooooh! So eggcited for tomorrow, won't tell you why HEHHEH :D For me to know, and you don't need to find out! Anyways, Jiunnnn! Hope you're doing fine in Aussie now! See you in 3months time yehh? Soonsoon it'll be here before you can say 'Phuture'{:

One more thing, I'm definitely falling sick AGAIN. Thanks to unfinished antibiotics the previous time. Gahhh. Nose is clogged like fck.

Yesterday night I had so much on my mind. Wanted to blog but thought, whats the point? Doesn't make any difference. So I penned it down. Took 2 full pages of my notebook. Sigh. But worry not friends, according to the Kübler-Ross model, I'm already at the last stage. So after this, it can only go up(: I have so much plans for the future, am not gonna allow something so trivial and insignificant to stand in my way :D All things love can go suck my ass. Up yours, biatch!

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