Monday, August 10, 2009

Hello yellow fellows :D
Today was good! Some BFF loving yo! Can't wait for Wednesday for BFF FullForce :D
Managed to clear everything off my To-do list, well almost. Now just left with my tattoo(: Thread brows, check. Trim fringe, check. Manicure, check. Pedicure, check. Today likka full on pampering session!(: Thankew vewi much Matthew Hong!! Wooo sweet HAHAHAA!

Check out my blingzxzx blingzxzx nailzxzx!(: SHO HAPPY WORZXZX HAHAHA! Okkkk, real knackered. Gonna hit the sack soon! Wednesday lang training then off to crub! YAYY HAY BAYY! Can't wait! Okkk baizxzx bai naozxz! Don't think I'll be blogging that often anymore! Too much fun going on to blog! HAHA!

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