Thursday, August 13, 2009

so I guess that means what we had wasn't true, thats why it wasn't worth fighting for. But I'm cool with that(: HAHAHA! I've been happy these days, could have been better but I'm just grateful for everything that life brings for now. Contentment. Is awesome :D I just wished we still had poolslots): Gahhh!

Yesterday was, a bit of a letdown. Nothing much spectacular going on, Jolyn and me just totally bored out of our minds. Gross guys here and there, this time we had guys following us from Mambo all the way to Phuture just so that they could try see if they could 'get some'. How gross can guys be! GAHHH. But it was nice, hanging out with Jolyn Ng!(: Must hang out more kaykay!:D

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