Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Homewrecker; (ii)

In addition to what has been going on, one thing I don't condone is losing objective and letting your emotions get the better of you.

Take the current Z, A & Y's saga. Hoards of strangers spamming Z's FB page with expletives and opinions on her privates and labels that could be true but uncalled for.

If you are so unhappy with whats going on, how does calling people names help? Seriously. Make her feel bad? Make her feel like shit? How different are we as compared to her then? Her lack of judgment and her actions caused immense grief to someone. Should we not be the better person to not do the same?

We feel unjust for Y, yes. But like what I said, the only true way to be able to get the ball rolling is not to heap vulgarities and being totally uncouth.

Z is choosing to be silent, so that all these will soon blow over. After it has somewhat subside, she will then make her move (though I don't know what). The only way for this to have any movement at all now is to "boycott" everything she represents. To show that you do not condone such acts too. That companies choosing to still endorse her, would then mean that they too are acceptable of such behaviours. And hence if so, we do not patronise them too. Simple as that. Why would any companies want to suffer loses or engage the services of someone who is then unable to assist them in profit making?

Its her life, yes. Her friends can say that she is not accountable to us in any way. But in the same manner we are upset when we witness Alex Ong pushing the old woman off the bus, its the exact same reason why we are pissed with what is going on with Z and her manner of handling the situation now.

Maybe the old woman aggravated him, but we know that no matter what it is still wrong for him to push the old woman down. Wrong means wrong. You don't have to make excuses for why you did it. But when you are wrong, and all you can do is a feeble attempt of "Hi All, there r untrue things bein said abt me. I leave it to ur good senses to choose what to believe. Thks to those who keep faith in me."

Like I mentioned before, its her choice if she still feels that she does not need to answer to anybody about her actions, whatever it is. But she cannot expect people to just take her above tweet and stop talking about her. If she doesn't wanna do any explanation, she can't blame the public for taking whats already out there and make a stand to "boycott" her. 

Peace out.

Monday, December 17, 2012


I said I wouldn't cash in on whats happening now, and I am going to try and stay true with it. But I just can't help writing about it. But I won't mention names and all. Just my 2 cents.

After everything that has transpired, I don't think Z has anything to say because there is none. The whole fucking bowl of water is black with ink, how do you suppose she get the ink out? There is no way. 

It may be her life, but she chose to publicise it. She chose to have a side career as a blogger which is obviously, not private. If you want to share your life, then chances are people are going to be curious about every damn aspect. When something like this happens, you don't just avoid the whole damn thing like "whoa this is my personal life, I don't need to answer to whoever." 

But if she wants to, she can. But why should people who read her blog, the people who are the cause of her side income, continue giving her support? She is a damn blogger for God's sake! She needs your hits (nobody gives a rat's ass how these hits came from) to earn, to get sponsors, etc! So by pasting her blog, her FB page, her twitter, you are just helping her get more hits. 

If you are really keen to know, google is your best friend. I have to admit, as humans , we are just naturally curious to know the unknown. And I am pretty sure with me writing this is all the more tempting to know whats going on, that has thrown the online world into a angry hot mess since last night.Google. Or just search "Alvin & Yuki" on FB and you got your thing. But just don't, patronise any of her blog, Instagram or Twitter.

Why? Why am I so adamant on this? 

I believe what she did is just so wrong in so many ways. And this is not the first time she did it. She did it at least one other time other than this time. So it goes to show that she thinks its perfectly alright for her to fight for what she wants! Its only alright to fight for what you want if no one gets hurt. But obviously nothing else matters to her but herself.

The first time it happened, XX may not have blown it up because she only knew of what happened to her friend years later. It seemed redundant and uncalled for, for her to just splash it over the internet for no rhyme or reason. But now it has happened again, so we need to take a stand, that this is wrong, and she should not be supported for this.

See. I am not going to take advantage of the situation and cash in and get hits too. I don't need it. 

Slight disclaimer: By cashing in, means publishing her name and all the relevant links so that when people google, my entry and my blog will come up in their search and when they click, I get to earn from that. Nope. Sharing on my FB like all my other entries. And my FB is locked, meaning only friends see my posts. And even if this FB post is public, come on, who am I tryna kid, I am not that pops, what are the chances strangers are gonna click on my profile and link here? So yeps. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Collective Haul; November Edition

Finally got down to doing my Collective Haul Video :D But after I uploaded the video that I realized I forgot to feature my New Balance 574s :/ But then again I'm thinking of doing a Pairings video on how I'd pair my 574s. It won't come soon though, cause I gotta research and trial and error first :P

Instagram picture as promised on my OOTD previously wearing the woolen pleather sweater :D

And my Denim Parka hehehehe :P

Alrighty yo :) Hope you enjoyed my Collective Haul! Any questions (maybe the Running Man T) you can comment below or formspring me :D

Friday, December 14, 2012

Choosing to die; after thoughts

I have this knack for clicking on random videos on youtube. & this time I ended up watching a documentary on Euthanasia.


Sometimes we get caught up as we grow up, chasing material things that we think is going to make our life better. How much money we can accumulate; how many friends do we have; are we going to achieve anything in our lifetime. Its good to have aspirations yes, but I think we tend to lose sight of whats really important; to be thankful for all that we already have. At least right now I can say I am guilty of taking Life for granted.

I guess sometimes we forget that being alive, and healthy at best, is probably the biggest blessings of all. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Shoot; MyCanvasBag

Hehehe went for my second photoshoot for blogshop yesterday after work; please don't judge my fats (~.~)

Presenting MyCanvasBag! :D

They have returned after a hiatus with a bang! 

My picks include:

Unicorn Bralet! I have always wanted to get a bralet but its hard to find a flattering piece if you are not exactly toned. This piece however accentuates the right parts and conceals the fats well! Much love for this piece!

Second pick would be the black highwaisted pants! Its not sheer at all and super comfy! And the best part is ITS SO SLIMMING! I was damn self conscious whilst modelling this piece but looking at it now.. not that bad right my thighs!!! LOLOLOL!! Pair it with the bralet and maybe throw on a woolen shrug, you're good to go for a night out partying :D

Peplum has been the trend for quite awhile now and I never thought I say this but I think I might just start shopping around for peplum pieces :x I always thought peplum would just make my butt look even bigger than it already is but nope, I actually like how girly and professional peplum makes the whole look :D

MyCanvasBag is having their promotion now and you can stand to win an apparel from this collection just by "like"ing and "share"ing!! :D



1) Like our Facebook page.
2) Like and share this album and comment that you have liked and shared.


Winners will be picked on 19th December!

Go go go now! :D:D:D

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Zoukout 2011

&the 411 is: 

12:30 to 2, Porter Robinson; 
2 - 3, Knife Party;
3 - 4, A Trak;
4 - 5, Calvin Harris.

Those are the only acts that I am really looking out for :D

Take a trip down memory lane with me.. Zoukout 2011!

Last year's epic Zoukout was so epic I told myself I'd be going, no questions asked this year. I even went to the extent of booking Rasa Sentosa in April for the 8 December 2012 when Zouk itself haven't even released the date of the event. Little did I know Zouk outwitted me and made this year a 2 day event. 

Initially I wanted to boycott the event. I thought the line up wasn't worth paying for and I didn't like it that Zouk seems to be trying to milk as much money as they could out of us.

However, try as I might to resist, I am officially going for Zoukout 2012 :3 Although I am only going for Day 2 BUT SERIOUSLY I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT. I AM GOING ZOUKOUT 2012 SHOPPING AFTER WORK TODAY, GONNA GET THEM GLOSTICKS AND SHIT. SEE Y'ALL PARTY ANIMALS ON SATURDAY :D:D:D

Friday, November 30, 2012

Beijing; Visual Vomit


Forbidden City & Tian An Men.

The only thing worth eating in this restaurant, faking good shit that just melts in your mouth. Fattening, who gives!


Great Wall of China, Commune at the Great Wall & Ming Tombs.

Scaling the Great Wall; possibly one of the most physically challenging thing I've ever attempted. I could only make it through one mini teeny weeny segment before calling it quits. Imagine trying to walk up an impossibly steep stairs in the freezing cold, madness! But the scenery was well worth it :)

Descending from where I was wasn't a walk in the park either. This way isn't as taxing, but still packs a punch! 

Lunch was at this restaurant located at Commune by the Great Wall. I'd love to come back and stay here. Architectural wonder combined with just breath taking scenery is love.

Apologise for the lack of pictures at this place, I was too busy playing with snow :D

Honestly, I thought Ming Tomb was meh~


Decided to venture out on our own to the shopping areas :3

But prior to shopping, we stopped by the 798 Dashanzi Art District. I love the ambience here. It was so creative and individualistic. A far cry from any so-called "Art District' in Singapore, if there is even any. 

Beijing Zoo station. If "wholesale shopping" is what you're after, this is the place for you. Okay actually this shopping centre is shit to me, I didn't really like the stuff but there are tons of such shopping centers around so feel free to explore on your own :) Thats what we did.

Whilst waiting for the other 3 to arrive as traffic is PEK is rather mad!


Thats all of the photos I have in my camera. I was on an extremely tight schedule so I didn't really had the time to slowly take pictures and stuff. PLUS the weather was MAD COLD to me and I didn't really wanna take my gloves off and take pictures too. :S

I am usually a shopping kinda person; prior to this trip, if anyone were to suggest to me "hey lets go ____" and that destination is nothing but just scenery, I'd probably say no to him. But after this trip, I realized "WOW the world is soooooo beautiful" and how small are we!? 

So how was the trip? I'd say despite it being a country that isn't too popular with most  young Singaporeans, I really quite enjoyed it. :)) Would love to go back one day and really explore PEK. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New Goals..

..doesn't have to be set in the New Year.

In case you are not on my FB, I saw this video yesterday night.

And really hits me that no matter how tough it is, I want to be a vegan. We don't need to consume meat to be healthy; we only do so to satisfy our palate. So why are we being so self-centred?

Small steps at a time, I am going to reduce the amount of meat intake.

So which pill will you choose? The red one? Or the blue one?

Monday, November 19, 2012

+8610; through the iphone

I am back from +8610, and thought I'd do a little preview of my Beijing trip from the pictures I took using le ip5. Got to say iP5 takes really decent photos (Y)

On the way to the airport at 10ish pm.

Boyfr met me there to send me off :'( First time going overseas without him.

My roomie for the 4 days :D

Breaksfast on SQ800.

Somewhere over HK if I am not wrong, the view of the sunrise was beautiful :3

Dropped off our luggages at the hotel and went to Tian An Men first since it was too early for check in.

First buy of the trip, my furry panda cap for 28 RMB (approximately S$6)? :D

Forbidden City.

Maple trees galore outside the Forbidden City.

Tian An Men.

Forbidden City.

Second part of the first day was free and easy so we headed to Wang Fu Jing, which is essentially something like our Orchard Road. Mehh~

Interesting Food streets though, they serve deep fried 'live' scorpions and starfishes. GROSS!

Second day, started off with a yum yum big breakfast. Wasn't feeling too well already due to the weather I think. But we were gonna conquer the Great Wall, so I ain't gonna pass on that :D

#OOTD; piling on like nobodies' business.

 #FOTD; sunblock, eyebrows, eyeliner and concealer. #nofoundation.

We were supposed to be climbing the famous Badaling portion, but ended up at the mad challenging JuYongGuan. MADNESS I tell you. We only made it to the first tower, second tower max before we waved the white flag and made our descent via the mountain path.

Not really a scenery kind of chick but I am digging it in Beijing.

Lunch was at this way cool place called "Commune at the Great Wall". Its really O.O Bee-ee-aye-utiful. Not to mention, there was snow there ^^ SO HAPPY!

Company dinner was at 全聚德烤鸭店; supposedly best Peking Duck restaurant in Beijing. Food had its hits and misses but who gives. :)

Ran a bath in my fawesome hotel room :3 Mad love it seriously.

Third day; Free and Easy with my girls. Headed to the Art district and Beijing Zoo.

Friend I made in the Art District. 

Drinks we had that night in my room.

Last brekkie of the trip :'(

In my S$20 denim parka from Ju Long (near Beijing Zoo), before I set off ALONE (I AM SO FUCKING BRAVE) to the CBD of Beijing to look for le boyfr's NB574, which was a nada trip. BUT I found Spark! LOL -.-

Sorry for the messy room pictures but it didn't occur to me that I didn't take room pictures LOL! So yeps, my humble abode for 4 days :')

On the way to the airport to come back to stuffy ol' +65.

The people who suffered the cold with me; actually I kinda like the cold now :P

Hello +65.

More indepth pictures and blogging will be done when I upload them from my camera. Touch down last night at 2300, I am now in office since 9pm. Zzz. So so tired.