Sunday, September 2, 2012

BKK 2012 (III)

..and so DAY FIVE saw us at YAOWARAT :D Jeng jeng jeng~ 

The reason why people step into Chinatown. Effing cheap Birdnest and Sharks fin! :D I heard Yaowarat is super bustling at night but we haven't got the chance to go in the night cause we always have too many night activities :( Like too many till we had to give Asiatique a miss this time :(

Finally arrived at the shop :D

One pot of Sharks fin costs 300 baht.

A bowl of Birdnest for only 200 baht.

:') I feel so loved after eating these :D

After our very sinful tea time meal, (yes we had lunch prior to this but still :O) we went shopping for food souvenirs. If you're one who has to buy Gao Sai (the compressed pork floss thingy) maybe you could try buying from here cause I THINK its cheaper than MBK's since MBK is so touristy~

See the red shop on the right of the picture? Thats where B and me ate on our first BKK trip :D Not bad super duper filling and loads of variety but B said it was quite expensive :x

Our next destination via Tuktuk! One cons of going to Yaowarat is that its really far :( I think the nearest MRT station to Yaowarat is Hua Lamphong. And we don't even know where the station is O.O And because its so far, taxis and tuktuks will jack up the price of their fares. I think we spent a good 15 - 20 minutes trying to get someone to get us out of there :S Finally this Tuktuk uncle was willing to fetch 5 of us for 150 baht to Phrom Phong.

And it really was a effing long ride. We all sat till our butt cramp and all of us alighted with sweaty limbs. Didn't wanna risk dropping my Fitflops on the roads of BKK (yes I am auntie like that I wear fit flops), I took one off cause we were so cramped one of my foot was dangling outside the tuktuk :'(

We went to Phrom Phong because Emporium is there! Legend has it there are cheap lingeries there but pfft, none was found /angry So we decided to appease our anger at Greyhound cafe!!! :D Finally get to try it!

Think PS Cafe but at Manhattan Fish Market pricing. IKR, and the ambience is really chill. Me likes. Was dying to try Red Velvet Waffles, but the branch we visited didn't have it. SIGH, #badluckjolene strikes again.

Complimentary bread roll served piping hot :D

Toldchu I can't live a day in BKK without Iced Coffee :')

Ying's French Onion Soup with melted cheese!

Fang's Flourless Chocolate Cake. Which looks delish~ :D


BFF's yoghurt drink~

B's brownie with Vanilla ice cream. Looks so so so good right~~

And because I was feeling peckish again and dinner was gonna be quite late, B and me shared this Nachos with grilled Chicken. T.T So good lehhh omtianssss~~~

Okok so with our filled, bulging tums, we have to decide what to do from 3pm to 8pm. BFF then suggested we go find the Haunted theme Shopping Mall, Mansion 7! :D

Checked the train lines if it was on the way and YAYYYY IT WAS. We were at Phrom Phong, and dinner was at Somboon which is at Huai Khwang station! And guess where Mansion 7 is.. HUAI KHWANG TOO OMG WE IS SO LUCKY.

After all that cramming in the trains, we finally reached Huai Khwang. Didn't know where the hell (no pun intended seeing our next destination is a "haunted" place) Mansion 7 was but thankfully this really nice Thai lady was kind enough to walk us there! :D

Mansion 7 is supposedly a "haunted house" themed shopping mall but actually theres not much shopping to be done there. Its basically built around this "Haunted Hotel", and theres a bar there too, and the shopping is actually a Gift shop for Dark Mansion (the Haunted Hotel). 

The doors of which we had to walk through in a while :'(

Toldchu not much shopping!

Apologise for the blur but group photo right outside Dark Mansion!

Okay I really wished I could take a few pictures of the walk inside but sadly no cameras and even phones were allowed inside so :( We had to check in every single thing and no slippers allowed too so we had to change out into the shoes provided. We spent a good 30 minutes outside trying to be courageous enough to go for it. But the TV was playing some creepy shit and the guy manning the counter told me inside is exactly what the TV is playing now :'( Fucking shit :'(

The cool thing about this is that Mansion 7 is not very publicized yet so you don't see a lot of tourists. All the patrons before us were Thais and it didn't help that they all came out screaming! :S

So after 30 minutes of pep talk, we paid for entry only to realise we can't go in all at once /jawdrops. The maximum number of people at one go is 4, and we have 5 of us! /jawdropsmore. And the best (and only) way was BFF Yings and Fang go as one, B and me as another. FML. The 3 of them still can choose who in front who at the back, B and me definitely one in front one at the back. :'( Wants to cry already!

So they went ahead first (and lucky them in the end got this couple came and only the guy wanted to go so they went together with the guy in front), and B and me went next. :((

Once inside, it was really really dark. And really cold. And really scary. Initially. But I am so thankful I had B with me cause he de-scarify everything for me /hearts. He walked in front but he was clutching my hand so tightly cause he knew I was so scared LOL. And he had conversations with the actor inside i.e.

Guy in coffin: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH~ (suddenly)
B: "Wah cb." /plods to the next door and opens it to ultimate darkness "Eh how to walk ah? Here ah?"
Guy in coffin: "yess.. walk in...."
B: "Wah but damn dark leh, like cannot see anything leh!"
Guy in coffin: "nooo..... just goooooooooo.."
B: "But how to walk sia!"
Guy in coffin: "JUST GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" /du lag already so he stopped talking
B: "Errr, ok ok thanks ah!" /proceeds to advance into the darkness


My review on Dark Mansion is I would MOST DEFINITELY RECOMMEND YOU TO GO. If you've been to last year's Universal Studios Halloween's Haunted House. Dark Mansion is slightly less scarier than that. But the set up is fucken awesome! Think elaborate outdoor set ups, theres even a lift inside! The whole time spent trying to get ourselves ready for the walk but once we were done, every time we think back we laugh because all the scary moments were so funny! :D Really good times :D


When we were finally done, B's friends were also finally in BKK and on the way to the LEGENDARY SOMBOON! But beware because there are counterfeit Sombooms around, going by the name of SOMBOON DEE. So be really careful when you board the cab/tuktuk and tell them you wanna eat Somboon. If you wanna get to the real Somboon, just take the MRT to Huai Khwang station and once you get out of the station you'll see it across the road :)

Eagerly waiting for our last dinner in BKK :'(

LA CRABS. OMG SOO SO SO GOOD. I WANNA GO BACK AND EAT THIS :( this is the perfect dish for people who love eating crabs but hate the peeling part. Huge and generous chunks of crabs in chill egg sauce. How can anything tastes so heavenly.

Some chicken dish. Sorry for the blur picture! :x

SUPER FRESH OYSTERS which I didn't have because I am not a fan of such shell fish. But BFF kept telling me that I HAVE TO TRY THIS BECAUSE ITS SO GOOD. So yeps, Oyster Fans, don't miss out on this when you're at Somboon!

THIS IS SO GOOD IT DESERVES A CLOSE UP PICTURE (after my vegetable picture)..

Mandatory Morning Glory when one eats Tze Char..

I DONT KNOW WHAT THIS IS CALLED, I ONLY REMEMBER IT IS ALSO CRAB MEAT. BUT THIS IS SOOOOOOOOO GOOD THINKING ABOU IT MAKES ME WANNA CRY NOW :') Its like Ngoh Hiang know, but its crab meat galore inside, and crisp on the outside. Dip it in the honey sauce and /playsvictorysong, picture yourself running during the olympic event and you just BOLTED. #WHATUP

BKK prawns are always fresh so :D

And that concludes our Somboon dinner! Worth it? DEFINITELY. I think we paid around 15 per person if I'm not mistaken and we get quality food and it is GOD LIKE. Must eat in BKK. :D

We wanted to go to Asiatique after dinner but it was already 10pm ish, and Asiatique is near Saphan Thaksin and thats crazy far from Pratunam so we didn't. :( Went back to our hotel to rest and..

DAY SIX. Had our routined Pork Trotters and Wanton Mee since it was our last day. :( Haish. So sad.

Everyone digging in to the last wanton pork trotters meal. :(

We didn't do much on the last day. Mostly some last minute shopping at Platinum and Big C, and packing our luggages. Our flight was at 9:20pm BKK time so we had to be at the airport at 7:20pm. We were gonna take the Airport express Link which was conveniently at the back of Baiyoke Boutique and the very very kind Fried Chicken uncle personally escorted us through the shortcut in Pratunam to the train station and he kept waving to us as we waited for the lift to the train. :') Like a father sending his children off for overseas studies. All of us really felt soooo loved. When I am back in BKK, I am definitely going back to eat his fried chicken :')

6:30pm; we're on our way to the airport. Even though I was getting homesick by then and wanted to breathe Singapore air again, I knew I would most definitely miss BKK. Whats not to love about cheap food, cheap fashion, good parties and hotel stays? I will never get sick of BKK because every time we go, we discover something new about the city. 

I can't wait to be back, but till then, X.

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