Tuesday, September 18, 2012

SIA interview (ii)

I think alot of you guys gonna try out for SIA interview this Saturday hur? :) Hehe I know cause today sudden spike in people searching for "jolenequek sia interview"!

Best of luck my friends, I decided not to try anymore. There is only so much rejection one can take. Shall find other ways to make my life more fulfilling :D

Tips for SIA interview:

Mass Introduction
  • Make your introduction short, sweet and simple yet something that stands out. Try to include something like you enjoy working out or doing yoga (because that shows you take pride in looking good and staying healthy; which company wants to hire someone who doesn't know how to take care of themselves right); or you enjoy team sports (shows 2 points, take care of yourself AND you appreciate the importance of working as a team); maybe you could try something like "Good morning/afternoon sirs, my name is XXX. I just graduated from XXX and I would like to share my personal motto with you; One can never be overdressed or overeducated........." See its something different from what other people would usually say right? Other people would usually say "I enjoy serving people blahblahblah..." BORING. I used that motto for the previous interview in August and got through. But if you wanna use a motto, make sure it makes sense in the interview please. Hope you get what I mean.
  • Don't go on and on and on. Best if you can keep it within a minute. BUT MAKE THAT ONE MINUTE COUNT. Imagine you keep it within a minute but what you said was bahhh~ The interviewers won't remember you. If you have relatives working in SIA, PLEASE don't purposely put it in because you think it might help to pull strings. NOPE. Some guy did that and got kicked out because he sounds so threatening and what are you trying to imply? 
  • Questions wise, like all other advices, make your answer be unique. Be humorous! It definitely works if you can get people to laugh :) Let me give you an example; There was one interview the question was, "Share with the group one interesting piece of news or basically anything you wish to share". Everybody talked about the GE2011 and soccer news. When it came to my turn, I shared with the group about an advertisement I saw on the train. Not sure if you guys recalled Aberdeen had this range of ads on the MRT that said, DID YOU KNOW... and one of it was DID YOU KNOW that a cockroach could live 2 weeks without its head? And I remembered asking le boyfr about it when I saw it and he told me that its true and the only reason why they would die after 2 weeks is because they starve to death. So I shared with them that tidbit of information. I thought it was quite interesting and different from what the rest said. And I got in. So think out of the box. 
Height Check
  • If you're 158cm to 160cm, please take note of the height measurement apparatus. Stretch as much as possible because the apparatus they use is inaccurate and if you're within 158cm to 160cm, the apparatus will discount you that few cms and you will fail height check!! I failed before even though I am 160cm, and totally left the interview in disbelief. So yep!
Skin Check
  • Make sure your face no blemishes okay? Don't be like me. Any light scarrings on your arms and face and neck, try your best to conceal, but don't cake it. Caking it only makes it more obvious. Make up, keep it to the minimal. Look polished, not like you're going to party. Nails, trimmed and clean, no chipped polish. Make friendly chit chat with the checker, it doesn't hurt to be friendly. :) And SMILE. Smiling is SUPER DUPER important. Can't stress this enough. There was one checker who failed this girl with nice complexion because thoughout skincheck she was like this :| 
One to One
  • Think of how you want to introduce yourself. Because the questions the interviewer asks you are generally derived from what you tell them initially. Like if you say, "I enjoy working with people as now I am in a service industry and I feel very happy to serve them." The interviewer is most likely gonna ask you questions like "what do you deem as a good service? What do you deem as bad service? What are the fundamentals of good service?" See where I am coming from? So if you're not sure about those questions I just posed to you (basically if you're not sure of something, don't say it. You're just digging your own grave.), make sure you're prepared with what you want to say and think of possible questions they might ask you and how you would answer them. For situational questions, just make sure you think of the most politically correct answer. But also, put yourself in the shoes of the passengers. Then work from there.
Management round onwards, I can't help you all already. Sorry hehe. But hopefully I shared with you guys tips that would help you on the 22nd! :))) Any questions can leave it on my DISQUS box below, or formspring me. If I can't attain this shortlived dream, I hope I can help yall to attain yours :) 

Lotsa luck!

Oooh ooh! My friend just reminded me, JAL is recruiting too! :D So if you're interested, click!

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