Sunday, September 2, 2012


Since I was reading up on Social Media, thought I would share my views on our local social networking scene.

I have heard of such "marketing schemes", just never really went too in depth into it till today. 

According to Elizabeth Soh, her article talks about how hypes actually come about. Have you wondered how Blogging in Singapore has become something that is very real, and is now a proper form of full time employment? Bloggers such as Beatrice Tan actually quit their "normal" jobs to concentrate fully on lifestyle blogging. However, there are online personalities that suddenly boom in popularity when usually popular bloggers amass followers and readers gradually. Apparently it is now very easy and quite cheap to purchase fake followers. 

If you're interested, you can read these articles. 

As a fellow blogger (albeit not a very popular one), I would say blogging is no walk in the park. It is tedious to upload tons of photos in one entry. It is frustrating when you get writer's block. You have to constantly churn out quality reading materials or at least something mildly entertaining like a funny video of you doing a Oppa Gangnam Style parody to ensure your readership doesn't deteriorate due to lack of substantial content. But even a video needs editing and editing is time consuming. In short, blogging takes a lot of effort. 

In my opinion, to be be a successful blogger, your blog either needs to have really well taken pictures/ you are some what good looking because ultimately, humans are very visual creatures. We are at times, superficial and like things that look good on the surface before we delve for some substance. OR you genuinely have things to say and you know how to put it across to your readers in a way that keeps them wanting to know more about your opinions and views. If you have both? Lucky you! Look at Xiaxue, she takes appealing pictures (of herself most of the time) and her blog content is fresh and sarcastically funny. 

But after reading the articles, and you realized that there are people out there who buy followers? Ever since I started blogging more frequently at the beginning of the year, I went from 30views a day, to now 500 views a day. And its really not easy! So I actually feel indignant that there are such people out there. 

How credible are our online personalities? How truly popular are the popular online personalities and which ones have had to resort to purchasing readers, followers and subscribers?

PS: Pardon me and my 2am brain. 

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