Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wandering Star

There is so many fantastic bands out there, waiting for us to uncover them. Just found one gem of a song last night when I watched the TOPSHOP SS13 show on youtube. Listening to it makes me wanna rent a dingy motel room with flickering neon lights outside, laying on the bed with an oversized white tee, smoking a cigg. 



Was reading flowerpod on career in Banking and chanced upon this person's quote on (the defence) of CPF with regards to the usual thrash talk most Singaporeans have on CPF.

"If CPF is that bad, would you prefer the pension scheme of Aus? You don't have control over your monies as well, you put it in a superannuation fund, leaving it up to fund managers to manage your money. And your pension monies may even end in a loss without capital protection; very much different from your CPF since they're capital guaranteed with interest(assuming you leave it there without losing money on CPFIS investments yourself).

How about paying up to income tax of up to 45% of your annual income? Then you can "happily" contribute to the bums on the streets who claim unemployment benefits.

With regards to disagreeing with the Govt over something you don't like... Just look at Greece. Disagreeing with austerity measures... simply for their own sake of having money on their table; but without austerity, their economy will crumble which would ultimately affect their jobs. The thing is, many commoners tend to be narrow minded imbeciles who are unable to see the big picture and consequences. 

I don't quite get what you're trying to say... But since you're complaining, I guess you're saying that YOU want to work in our neighbouring countries like Malaysia/Indo/Thailand etc since it's better there?

Lastly, I guess we should just adopt a closed door policy. No foreign talents, no foreign investments either. GS, CS, JPM, DB, BarCap etc please pack your offices and send your management team & staff back home. Singapore doesn't welcome you." 


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