Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy 23rd BFF

So last weekend we celebrated le BFF's 23rd :D Her 23rd on the 23rd of September :D Stayed over at le BF's who couldn't make it for the celebration. :( 

Make up of the day! I used a cream orange blusher instead of my usual pink one, not sure if it looks better :S

Loving my eyelashes for that night because it looks much more natural compared to the usual ones you see in the market! :D If you're curious where I got it from, I got it from Bugis Village! :D 

Zoe, who dropped by just to wish le BFF personally! :D HELLO ZOE! :D:D:D Hope your tums way better now :D

Sourz apple shooters!!! My favorite alcohol :D Super yums I am telling you, I love it! 

Jasmine, who I haven't seen in ages! Miss you! :(

Girls for the night; loads of love for all of you :D

Oh and the guys, I must first apologize for the blurry images in between because I didn't realise the ISO was not set to AUTO, so all the pictures turned out like shit. 

Jane Ho, the original chiobu. :D

BFF and Jasmine photobombing hehehehe ;D

BFF posing with her champagne. The whole process of her popping champagne was super NSFW because the whole conversation went, "okay so you hold the cork(cock), okay then you..." Wa seriously last warning.. -.-

NINJAs 2.0

REGINA @heartcrackerz, one more chiobu :D

So basically we were just drinking at the riverside, plan was to head over to MINK at 3, so we were trying to kill time by taking shitloads of photos as you can tell :D

Eugene trying to figure out how to reconfigure the ISO for my camera~

Reconfiguration success! (Y) THANKS EUGENE! :D

The posse for the night :D

And suddenly, everyone was talking about taking #OOTDs, and please see the next picture of my BFF teaching Jane how to pose for #OOTDs..

#somuchwin? HAHAHAHHAHA! 

#jawdrops! Look at my BFF working it!~

I am sorry BFF! :S BUT THE PICTURES ARE TOO GOOD. Originals are in her camera and I highly doubt she'll upload them! :/

So due to some unforeseen circumstances, MINK was a no go and we headed to Swee Choon for DimSum! :D:D:D Gimme Dim Sum anytime man!!! :D But we were like a buncha drunk girls in the shop, talking really loudly and all.

All in all, night ended well with good food in our tummys :D

I love you BFF, hope you had a wonderful 23rd!!!  

Sorry if this post sounds rushed, but theres nothing much to talk about clubbing anymore, its all almost the same, no? And I got to rush out now for family dinner! Maybe tonight I will blog about my photoshoot yesterday! :D Loads of funny pictures will be up! :D

Till then, enjoy your Sundays love! :D:D:D

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