Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hair N Lashes Carnival

Ok, since I am in the mood to blog I shall ride on the feeling and churn out a couple of overdue posts! :D

So if you haven't been following my Instagram (*coughs@jolenequek_coughs*), you'd realise my hair seems to have grown quite a bit! O.O Like magic! O.O

HAHAHAHA okay so maybe not magic, but if it really is then Allen Teo of Hair N Lashes Carnival is a damn good magician! :D

As we all know, girls are damn fickle minded creatures. One minute we're all "WALAO LONG HAIR BORING LEH." and the next minute after all le hair is gone, we'll be like "OH EM GEE WHAT THE HELL DID I DO WHY DIDN'T CHU STOP ME NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....."

So YES, even though I chopped off my locks like a measly 3 months ago (I think), I already miss my long hair! :'( BUT I never thought of getting hair extensions again because I did it once before and it was sheer horror! Back in 2010, when I had nothing better to do/under immense peer pressure *coughsJORAKUEKcoughs*, I got it done at one of those pink shops in FEP (aka Far East Plaza) and when I got it removed my hair was a ball of mess. Pun intended. I literally had a ball of hair knots at the back that couldn't be saved and needed to be snipped off. /shedsatear

So even though I had this fear, I decided to go ahead. Just one problem. If not one of those pink shops, I had no effing idea where to go!! So I googled, and I read up on forums with regards to hair extensions and see is there any other place that people would recommend after their own experiences.

And thats when I found Hair N Lashes Carnival :D

(If you don't believe me, go to Flowerpod and look for the thread on "Hair Extensions".)

In case you've forgotten how I look, here's me right before the extending session :D Full of anticipation okay! I miss how I look with my long hair :'(

You must be thinking what makes Hair N Lashes Carnival (HNLC) different from all the other shops right? Okay I'll bulletpoint the factors for you:

  1. HNLC uses 100% Indian Remy hair whilst most of the other shops (the more common ones) uses China hair, which is basically man-made human hair. Obviously a no brainer when you compare something thats natural and something thats man-made, NATURAL FTW yes? :) PLUS Indian Remy hair is super soft and silky to the touch and contrary to what the other shops do, the hair doesn't lose the softness and silkiness after you wash it. 
  2. Allen really provides awesome customer service. He doesn't rush through the whole process. I sat there from 8pm to 1130pm and he actually wanted to continue pass 1130pm because my hair was that thick and he wanted to make it blend really naturally with the extensions. Talk about commitment. Very very impressed. Very unlikely you'll get the same treatment elsewhere I assure you.
  3. He is upfront with the costs. He won't tell you "Oh 100 strands free 100 strands" but after 200 strands you realise everything was done only at the back of your head and you'll be left with no choice but to pay past your budget so you can leave the shop without looking like a freak with long hair from the back but from the front you look like an asshole who has weird hair. Trust me that happens because it happened to me in 2010!

30% done :D

Weeeee~~~ :D:D:D Damn eggcited! :D


Plus, I had a really good time sitting there while he does my hair. He is super friendly and we talked like we knew each other for ages! Plus do you know Allen used to be in the Fashion Industry as a fashion designer? 10 years ago he studied and lived in NYC! HOW COOL IS THAT!!! :O

Anyways back to my hair, one last point to prove that he's committed to providing the best service and customer satisfaction? He told me after we were done that if after a few days I think the hair still doesn't really blend well or anything of that sort, I can go back within this week to let him take a look and see what he could do! BETCHU THIS SORT OF SERVICE CANNOT BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. SUMPAH!

SO TADAH! My gorgeous long hair now :D Hehehehe, still thinking if I should head there on Friday to add a few more strands to my crown cause I think it could use a wee bit more volume but HEY I love it already as it is! :D

So if like me you are fickle minded and always thinking of getting long hair fast right after you get your hair chopped, HNLC is 5 thumbs up (if I had 5 thumbs) BUT YES 5 EFFING THUMBS UP. 

I feel like I just got my mojo back. :D

Allen Teo; 
Tel: 8180 8653

Hair N Lashes Carnival
14 Scotts Road
Far East Plaza

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