Friday, October 12, 2012

Sponsored; Spooktacular, spooktacular

Thats right! Overachieving Asian in me is gonna blog about Sentosa Spooktacular 2012! Thanks to OMY, I managed to score 2 tickets to the Media Exclusive preview of Sentosa's Halloween Event! :D I love all things halloween, love/hate relationship with the paranormal~ But what gives, get scared first, think later yes? :D Totally!

At the entrance of the train station at Vivo to enter Sentosa, a very excited BFF and me can't wait to start!! And it didn't help that the Sentosa volunteers were spooking us with their own review of Spooktacular 2012 :( They were saying that they just went through the whole thing during the day and they already got spooked. BFF and me immediately went FOLs :'( BUT fret not, we'll get spooked first, then you'll see if you're game enough ;)

Some T&Cs before the start of our Horror Trails~

Here we are, finally at the entrance of the event! Notice in the pictures, there are some orbs flying around? Not sure about you but I heard that when your pictures have orbs in them, usually its because there are..... you get my drift :S (thats one mega big orb in the centre O.O)

Upon stepping through the black curtains, we were greeted (silently) by two guards in ancient chinese armory with very rotten faces. And they were SOOOO GOOD AT HIDING BEHIND THE CURTAINS OKAY! I was totally unprepared and got a shock when I realized they were peering at me! :S 

PS: Gotta put a slight disclaimer here that all the pictures taken here does not do justice to the images I saw during the event itself because of my camera flash :( I wish I could let you guys see exactly what I saw but without flash, my pictures would turn out just, well.. black. :/ So if you are impressed with what you see, you should totally go for the main event itself ;)

All these creatures were prowling the entire walkway up to the entrance of the first trail! And boy were they good at sneaking up on you! >:O

Creepy green lightings and skulls and bones were used EVERYWHERE! 

Undead hawker :/ As much as I love Hokkien Mee, I wouldn't want her to be cooking my noodles :S But that awkward moment when the undead hawker has a talisman on her and she's still moving! Hmmm......

Undead cha cha dancer! BFF was all "OMG I WANNA TAKE PICTURE WITH HER" when she saw this girl! 


Say Hi to my dear friend, Mr Pocong, who also has a talisman on. Does he even know what that is!?

HERE WE ARE! Fort Siloso~ Did you know that usually Fort Siloso closes at 6pm everyday? But they extend their opening hours, just for this Halloween event? :D How often do you get to explore Fort Siloso at night?!?! 

Cramming in some selca shots before we start the real deal :D

Fuh-reeky yes? That mannequin must be so brave to be hanging there all by herself :'( Poor dear!

Okay see this tunnel over here? Let me tell you a little story that happened to my BFF. I think a few years back when she was still a film student in NP, she had this project with an outside company which required them to shoot at Labrador Park's underground tunnel. Something similar to the one we had to walk through for Spooktacular. Plus, rumor has it that the one at Labrador Park links all the way to the one here at Fort Siloso. So what happened was, the whole production crew were allowed to film in the tunnels but on one condition, that they had to pack up and leave strictly at 6pm (similar to the timing Fort Siloso closes on usual days). But like all productions, filming almost always ends late. So needless to say, they were still there at 8ish pm, when the sun was already down. After a while, their producer told them (the production assistants) to go back to the vehicle and start packing up. Here's the spooky part. As the 3 of them walked out, they could here the sound of bursting wall lamps behind them. As though as they walked, the passage behind them was blacking out. 

CREEPY RIGHT? And all these happened to her. And it looks exactly like the one right here. ;) Are you brave enough?

One of the few scary shots I took last night, just right beside the tunnel. :S

So the first trail we went through was called "Camp Berhantu". The story behind this trail is one unfortunate recruit was burned alive in a mishap. And now he's back for revenge! 

This maze/trail thing was fun AND interesting because you can choose to play laser tag* with the "ghosts"!!! HOW COOL IS THAT! :D

Only have one picture of one recruit in the maze because it was too foggy and misty inside to take more decent pictures :D

After which, we are off to the next trail!

So we saw this guy just sitting on the road, and without the flash it was really really dark! So BFF and I were debating if this was a prop? Or a real ghost? :S And just when I was gonna snap a picture, he went "RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

I went, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!" :X throw face much. 

Very cool ethnic dancer guy posing for me :D 

Playing mahjong with the skeleton family #likeaboss B)

So we are up to the next one! The Land of Lost Souls. 

When we enter, we saw this..


Wait what, why the air stewardess the trolley got wreaths and a SKELETON?! :S

As we keep walking we see more undead stewardesses with rotten faces..

And yet, another tunnel. Gonna develop a phobia for tunnels soon :S

Undead Muay Thai boxer waiting for us :'( I really really applaud these people man! They can stay at these isolated spots at a possibly really haunted Fort Siloso with their faces all painted like that, and they have no trace of fear on their faces :'( I'd be crying if I were them! Kudos man!

Okay this has got to be one of my favorite parts of the whole event! If you can't make out what the sign is saying, it says "CHEAP CHEAP GOOD GOOD". 

Now tell me what is Thailand well known for? (other than Phad Thai and shopping and stuff)

Thats right babehs! Fort Patpong at your doorstep! This guy is hilarious! He totally nailed the Thai accent and getting all flirty with us! LOL!!!!

Sorry for the blur picture once again but I thought the true colors would be better for this shot :P

Shortly after that, the horror begins again :'(

Scary Thai girl who popped out of nowhere :'(

Freaky looking Thai woman selling some voodoo shit! Look at those bottles! 

Gotta admit, the bottles do look really scary! :x

Fancy joining our friends at Fort Patpong? Hehehe :p

Okay this guy totally freaked me out! He was just standing there and staring at us! Look at his eyes! SO BIG FOR WHAT! >:( 

And that pretty much wraps up The Land of Lost Souls. :C 

Walking to our next destination...

More picture time with the creatures of the night~

Cemetery in Fort Siloso~ Nice. (Y)

Mr Jiang Shi while we were getting drinks! I asked him if he had cotton buds in his mouth but he ignored me. Guess he was insulted :c Sorry.

NEXT UP, DEADLY DOLL STUDIO. DAYUM I HATE DOLLS. THEY ARE SO SCARY OK. Sorry if there are fewer pictures from this trail onwards, I want to be able to walk, fast. :S But spot anything different from one of the masks to the others? :P

Scary girl who suddenly burst out from under the table shrieking :S 

This girl last warning ah the face, quit staring at me like that :'(

Another one where I got genuinely creeped out. This girl was just sitting silently at the corner and before that we had to walk through something else so we were all unprepared for her~ Once we saw her? We all went "F*, walao good one man!"

Missing children posters plastered all over the walls. With offerings for the dead right under these posters. Rumour has it the doll master of this studio is in pursuit of creating the perfect doll, but what is his secret? :S

The last trail that BFF and me went to before we left for the night. Oujia Board. (We skipped The Last Sequel because we were really tired and pretty spooked already :S)

Another motionless guy waiting to scare us as we walk past him :(

Enter the room and you see this. Unsure who is real and who is not :S:S:S:S

Doesn't look scary you say. But this is because of flash photography. Now this is what we really saw..

Crazy dark and everything was luminous. :S

And this guy pranced out of nowhere after the walkway, scared the shit out of us. But gamely posed for us lol!

No more pictures of this trail because I is too busy paying attention to my surroundings :S Below picture is creepy yes? :(((((

SO if you're interested in Sentosa Spooktacular 2012, this is the map! :D

Here are the details you need to know about Sentosa Spooktacular 2012 :D

Dates: 19, 20, 26, 27, 28 October 2012
Time: 7pm  - 11pm

EarlyBird Tickets are now ALL SOLD OUT! So standard tickets are going for $48.00. You're a student? COOL, $28.00 for your ticket but you gotta act fast because there are limited student priced tickets for sale for the 19 & 20 October! Sentosa Islander? 15% off ticket prices but please note that you can only get 4 tickets per card and its not valid for purchase on event days!

And if you are really going, I'd highly recommend you to get the Fast Pass ($25.00 excluding ticket prices)! Get express pass through all the trails, while other people are waiting an hour to get pass one, breeze through the Q and get to the horror first! :D You've been warned yeah? I predict a lot of people going so be wise!! :D

So what are you waiting for! Get your tickets today at

PPS: Just for the fun of it, check out the Ghost Ambassadors page at:
  1. Pontianak (
  2. Chinese Bride (
  3. Ghost Soldier (
  4. Jiang Shi (

THANK YOU OMY FOR THE WONDERFUL EVENT! THANK YOU SENTOSA FOR HAVING ME but not having me, yeps I like my home and being alive very much :x

*Laser tag option is only awarded to the first 100 pax during event days :P So be early! 

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