Monday, October 15, 2012

Run of the mill;

Was reading my past livejournal posts. Can't help but realise that I used to more, me in the past. Now I feel strangely inclined to be what society wants me to be. What society perceives as interesting;

I used to have more useful habits. I used to do things that I want. I read novels, I read graphic novels, I roam the cyber world not to stalk interesting individuals who i aspire to be like but to find out what cool indie movies I can watch that deserves to be watched. 

So is social media the bane of what used to be a personality?

Why did I wanna be someone else? when I can be me? Somebody totally original and special?

Maybe its time I took a step back, get my life back in perspective. Maybe that's when I can finally shed the society goggles and be what I am truly meant to be. 

Hope you guys are still around when I find myself, x.

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